Hey CC,
So my unofficial high school transcript was posted online and I don’t know how if I am where I want to be. I currently have a Overall (so far): 3.9059 right now and I am in 11th grade.
Grade 8: 3.8667
Integ Alg - A
Earth Science - A
Spanish I - A+
Grade 9: 3.9286
English I - A
Geometry - A+
Global Hist I - A
Intro to Research - A+
Living Env - A+
Media Arts - A+
Spanish II - A+
Debate - A
Grade 10: 3.9000
AP Euro - A
Alg II/Trig - A
Chemistry - A+
Eng II/CPW - A
Health - A+
Intro Comp. Sci - A+
Spanish III - A+
Grade 11: Current Year
AP Composition - A+ Q1
AP Computer Sci - B+ Q1 (I suck so bad
AP Psych - A+ Q1
AP U.S History - A Q1 (Meh, gonna work harder)
Physics - A+ Q1
Pre Calculus R - A+ Q1
Spanish IVA+ Q1
Grade 12: Next Year
I have a pretty low 3.9 right now and I don’t know if that is well-off for colleges. Namely competitive colleges like ivy leagues and etc. And I know there are other factors but this is one of the objective criterias that will (hopefully) get me past the first round of applicants. Our school uses a 4.0 scale with an 4.0 = A+. In all my classes (as shown above) I have gotten only A’s and A+s. I have a weighted of 4.137 right now (don’t know if that is good). Could you please tell me how well I am doing for where my ambitions are and how much my GPA could change if I get a majority of A+s in my classes with only one or two A’s?
I see exactly one B on that transcript. Relax. There is no statistical difference between a 4.0 and a 3.9something, and colleges know that. Harvard could fill its entire freshman class with 4.0 kids two or three times over, but doesn’t. There’s a reason for that - they want to know if you’re academically capable of handling the work there, but past a certain point (in most cases, 3.8+ GPA and 2200+ SAT will do just fine) they view that box as ticked and move on.
OP, take a deep breath. Go outside. Watch a movie. Relax. You are fine. More than fine. You are well above where you need to be academically to apply to any competitive school and have a shot, presuming your test scores turn out pretty well (even in a worst case where they’re middling you’d STILL get into great schools with that GPA and course rigor).
It worries me that you think a B+ is a bad grade in that single class. That a 3.9 GPA would preclude you from getting into good schools. Do you have an anxiety disorder? Really hard-ass parents? A school/environment where people think a 3.9 is a bad GPA? Is it humble-bragging? If you’re legit concerned then, I don’t know. I would just hope you have loving, supportive parents who can help with a sense of perspective, and that you don’t pin all your hopes/sense of self on where you get into college. It’s just not a healthy worldview.
But seriously: you are going to be absolutely, ridiculously, and wonderfully fine, relatively speaking.
Thanks a lot guys. I guess my friends were just putting some unprecedented thoughts in my head. Your guys gave me a big confidence boost. I generally am not that concerned with grades but I am worried about Computer Science because I feel lost and that I am not learning - as reflected by my grade. Thoughts on how to improve on that?
Was tempted to make a sarcastic remark but the answer to all of your questions is relax. Worrying about your grades is honestly counterproductive to your goal for an ivy or top school. I’m personally starting to question the whole process and the anxiety and dissapointment it brings. That’s my own opinion but there’s nothing wrong with wanting to go to a top school. My advice for you outside of that is to think about if that’s what will really make you happy. If you think it is, then I’d focus on recommendation letters, essays, showing interest and passion and all that other subjective stuff. Your grades are well and you’re fine. Best of luck to you.