hispanic heritage youth awards 2012-13

<p>Did anyone apply for these this summer? I found some old threads and it sounded as if the program was somewhat disorganized--people were notified rather late. Any background knowledge? D has submitted an application but it wasn't clear what the criteria were for selection, etc. On the website they only have old information about winners from 4-5 years ago and the links to videos on youtube were incorrect. A little odd...D would perhaps want to use the grant money to fund expenses for her girl scout gold award but there was nowhere on the app to say why you wanted the award. It asked which colleges you had applied to or been accepted to but the application is for rising seniors...who on earth would be able to answer this question since most college apps aren't available until august?</p>

<p>I won one of the awards last summer. </p>

<p>I had actually forgotten about it (and assumed I hadn’t been selected) when I got a call over winter break letting me know that I had won. Then they gave me all of the details and stuff. Personally, I think that given the rising number of applications for the scholarship, they might not have the number of office staff to let everyone know soon enough. </p>

<p>After you are selected for the award, and after the awards ceremony do they give you information about award disbursement. </p>

<p>As for the colleges, just put down whatever you’re thinking of at the moment. It might change, and it doesn’t really matter. They like to mention at the ceremony where awardees are going, and it doesn’t matter for selection at all. (There were people applying to highly selective schools and ones that aren’t very selective, so that’s why I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t have an effect on selection).</p>

<p>What area did you apply to? You said they called you over winter break to let you know, when was your ceremony?</p>


<p>I applied to Washington, D.C., and the ceremony was on January 31, 2012.</p>