Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2016-2017

Didn’t get it but I have other scholarships so i mean I’m not disappointed. At least I tried y’know? Congrats to all who got it :slight_smile:

@itsv Ah, okay well I hope that’s not the reason for this year because I submitted everything on time. It seems weird though because they said “Congratulations for being designated as an HSF Scholar!” and then went on to explain the waitlist situation.

It would make more sense, to me at least, to just email the applicants with tardy applications with a denial letter. Anyways, they have their reasons.

And yes, the celebration in Dallas, Texas was very nice!

I know this may be a bit off topic but has anyone heard about their HSF Finance Conference and Career Symposium applications?

@PeacefulWorld Sorry for the confusion, I was referring to current scholars who were awarded today not filling out the new paperwork. HSF in their email said that if the paperwork was not filled out by the deadline, their scholarship award would be forfeited and awarded to another student.

Not trying to get your hopes up just yet, but I too think it is weird that they addressed your email as a “congratulations scholar”. Perhaps you are a scholar, but not a scholarship winner just yet. Maybe you will be invited to the Scholar celebration.

Also if you have not done so yet, be sure to look into opportunities presented by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation including joining “L.O.F.T.”-Latinos on the Fast Track. My DD has received a lot of great opportunities through HHF including a paid fellowship through Exxon and invitations to Future Leaders Academy, conferences, summits, retreats, scholarships and job opportunities. My DD receives lot of emails from HHF notifiying her of these opportunities, plus LOFT presents a forum for asking questions and networking.

Wow, thanks @itsv !! I really appreciate this. I haven’t heard about this and I’ll definitely look into it! :slight_smile:

I got recognized as a Scholar but got put on the Scholarship Waitlist… mildy hopeful at this point

Got the scholarship as well :slight_smile: If helpful for future applicants: Incoming college junior, 2nd year selected. Congrats to fellow scholars!

For those not selected, remember that this award does not define your success. I’m sure you’ll all doing awesome at your respective colleges & will accomplish great things. Good luck!

@PeacefulWorld I was also invited to apply to those. The symposium’s supposed to be like a private career fair for those selected/a chance for companies to know you more closely. The other one’s an intro to a Wells Fargo internship, I think? Not so sure how it works.

@PeacefulWorld here is the link for the Hispanic Heritage Foundation L.O.F.T. program. http://www.hispanicheritage.org/programs/latinos-on-fast-track-loft/

Both HSF and HHF are expanding beyond just scholarship help for Latinos. Join L.O.F.T. to see some of the opportunities. For example my DD said that a student recently posted that they were looking for a job for the summer and there were several responses including HHF staff posting about jobs that had come into their office. My DD this summer is working at a great engineering internship paying a lot of $$$ which originated through an HHF opportunity.

Another good program is MAES if you are interested in science and engineering. Here is the link to their programs. http://mymaes.org/programs/

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute has good programs too. plus there is a large guide to additional scholarships. http://chci.org/programs/scholarships/

Hope this info is helpful.

My S was a HSF scholar last year (2015) as freshman, was wait listed but received a general scholarship late 2015 once funds became available. This year as sophomore he was once again wait-listed for scholarship although still considered a HSF scholar. Hopefully he will get it again as it was very helpful.
As for the NYC Finance conference we are awaiting results of that too. Good luck to all.

Hi @led89rv! I was wait listed this year… how late in the year was your son awarded the scholarship?

@mruiz5. notice of our HSF scholarship award came in mid December 2015 with actual payment issued in late December via WellsFargo. I don’t believe that’s normal since last year there were some technical issues which delayed things. Hoping this year it is sooner so that it comes before spring semester payments due.

Hi. Quick question for those who have come off of the wait list. Did you have many other scholarships? My daughter ended up choosing a school where she doesn’t have any actual need thanks to other awards.

I think HSF is need based. Is anyone with a higher income winning?

^ Nope, the scholarship selection itself is merit based. How much you get from that $500-$5000 award is need-based.

I have yet to receive an email about my decision. I know, given this thread, that many people have either recieved the scholarship or have been denied, so is it possible that HSF releases decisions in batches…? What should I do?

@mocon2016 should check your email (and spam) or email them.

For those who have received an award, do not forget to sign up for the Scholar celebration in your area.

Do you guys know when we get notified how much we are awarded?

^ Last year: October

They’ll ask for some documents in between, such as the Enrollment Verification Form -which isn’t available till your school starts.

Has anyone received any other information from HSF since being notified if you were a winner or waitlisted? They told me that they would email us by the end of August but still haven’t received anything.