Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2018-2019

Check your bank account, I JUST got my Award direct deposited today 3-30-19

@barcelona72 The money is sent directly to you. You choose to do what you want to do with the money. Spend responsibly! :slight_smile:

So my son filled out an application for the upcoming academic year, which will be his first year in college. On his HSF portal it just has a checkmark next to Application Completed (January 29).

And thatā€™s it. Other than a verification of his email, thereā€™s been nothing from HSF. Are we supposed to hear something eventually yay or nay?

@monkey99 Did your son get told whether he was a finalist? My son received an email stating he was a Finalist and he had to complete an additional application with recommendation by the end of March. Recommendation was due by April 15. Decisions are supposed to be out in May.

Nope, nada from them. Not a single email of any type. Just a checkmark for ā€œapplication completed.ā€ Itā€™s okay that he doesnā€™t get the scholarship, but I figured thereā€™d beā€¦somethingā€¦from them at least noting that heā€™d sent it or some kind of rejection/denial email. Butā€¦nothing.

Thanks for your response, though, GFORCE!

Anyone hear back about being selected? Notifications should be out in May according to the website, though last year they werenā€™t out til late June.

Wait so if I havent been notified does that mean I did not get it?

Hobestly, I donā€™t think so. Decisions were given in June last year as well.

Anything yet?

Phase 2 Application Completed Apr 05, 2019
Application Selected
Application Completed Feb 15, 2019

My portal currently says that but iā€™m unsure of what this means. I havenā€™t received an email since I last completed the Phase II application.

Last year I think the results came out June 26?? Weā€™re still finalists, but letā€™s see if weā€™re selected for the scholarship. Best of luck!

Hey, I donā€™t know if anyone is currently checking this, but I got an email today saying Iā€™m on the waitlist, so hopefully other people received some kind of notification? I know from my sister, who applied for it three times and was waitlisted three times, that oftentimes, youā€™ll just get about $3,000 in March (which happened to her all three times). Anyone else know anything more about that?

I logged onto my HSF portal, and found ā€œAdditional documents requiredā€, due July 31st.
I clicked it and completed it, asking for my Award Letter, and other cost related questions. It also had about 10 pledges, ā€œI understand the values of HSFā€, " I promise to give back to the latino culture", etc.
Did anybody else have this? What is this supposed to mean?
I have not gotten any emails from HSF. My spam auto deletes every month, so maybe I have gotten it awhile ago?
I am a 3rd year undergrad. Transferring into UIUC for structural engineering this fall. This award would mean alot!

What are your stats (tests scores, awards, activities)?

Two years applying and didnā€™t get it. I donā€™t know if my stats are good enough for the scholarship as a Puerto Rican student.