Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2018-2019

@fridakatlo my stats are as follows
3rd year undergraduate student at UCLA
GPA: 3.64
First Gen student

Iā€™m a 4th Year Undergrad at UCSB
GPA: 3.2
First Gen student too.

I won a 2018-2019 award, and Iā€™m selected again as a finalist right now.

have you received your award yet ? And congratulations!

Iā€™ve not received my reward yet :frowning:
And again, sorry you didnā€™t get selected again.

Hi! I was selected for the 2018-19 scholarship, and like many of you, Iā€™m still waiting for an update on the disbursement as well. Out of curiosity, has anyone gotten their award yet? I ask because HSF said there were two disbursement groups and that I was part of the second one. So Iā€™m guessing some people got their awards already? Iā€™m just kind of concerned because I havenā€™t heard of anyone that has yet!

I have gotten nothing yet. Been waiting for 3+ months, but I really do appreciate HSF and the hard work that they do. Im gonna donate back a portion of my Award to HSF.

Its cool, Iā€™m a grad student now with a GPA of 3.9 but I was shocked they even gave me my first Award. My GPA at Cal as an undergrad was 2.5 and my mom got her masters there tooā€¦so I am just happy they considered me :slight_smile:

Dude you have a sweet heart for being willing to donate money back to them. Iā€™d invest in it entirely, I wouldnā€™t really ever think of giving it back haha.

Got this response today -

Just sharing a quick update on the status of disbursement. We are still working towards disbursing your award as soon as possible. Please be assured that your status as an HSF scholarship recipient has not been affected and you will receive your disbursement as soon as we are ready.

If you are in need of funding, we encourage you to request emergency funding from your university.

Lastly, we want to remind you that being an HSF Scholar is more than a monetary award. As an HSF Scholar you have access to HSFā€™s Scholar Support Services which include Career Services, Mentorship, Leadership Development, Knowledge Building, and Wellness. You also have access to a nationwide network of HSF Scholars and Alumni that will be helpful to you now and for the rest of your career.

Best wishes,
The HSF Scholarship Team

Thanks but the money would be GREAT!

LooooL @ ā€œThanks but the money would be GREAT!ā€ ā€¦seriouslyā€¦its almost been 4 months past due. I respect HSF and all that they do, but had I known that it would have taken this long, I would have never paid down my tuition and instead held on to my financial aid to pay for my rent (where Im about to get evicted)

Yea I feel you, but I think why I was selected as a HSF scholar last time was because of my Community Service/Charity Work, Plus when you donate to HSF you can always mention that when you apply for other scholarships :slight_smile:

I GOT PAID TODAY!!! Check your bank accounts!

Ditto. Just in time for Spring quarter. :wink:

Ugh I still havenā€™t been paid. Guess Iā€™m gonna have to call.

Hello friends. While I hope that you all get paid soon, I was selected for the 2019 Finalist program, and itā€™s worrying to see how many of you still havenā€™t received your deposits. I thought that the HSF scholarship should be the only scholarship I apply for this year, but perhaps not. I did want to ask: does HSF/Wells Fargo disperse the money to individuals so that they spend the money on school-related expenses, or do they directly send it to the college?

I got paid today too. Better 4 months later than never - but not really. :wink:

Good luck this year guys.

They pay you directly.

Those of you who got paid, did you get your deposit into a Wells Fargo account? My son has a Wells Fargo account, but he requested that the deposit be made into the account that he has with our local credit union. Iā€™m wondering if that may take longer. So happy to see people are getting paid now! Thanks for updating everyone!

Did they say when the 2nd group would be paid? I think my son may be part of that one, too. He didnā€™t get through to anyone when he called, he left a message.

Bro, check your bank account, I JUST got my Award direct deposited today 3-30-19