Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2018-2019

Are y’all sure the “waitlisted” status actually means waitlisted? Judging from when they released decisions last year, there’s still a month left until decisions are supposed to be released. Maybe that “waitlisted” status is just a placeholder or something until they release decisions. If you were really waitlisted, I would think they’d have notified you.

My dashboard also just says completed. 1440 SAT but extremely hooked. Nevertheless, good luck to everyone! May the best receive it.

Well, in 2015 they did have alot of technical difficulties, maybe these waitlists are the same?


Just checked and my status says application selected. I’m going to be a senior at Duke, and it’s my fourth year receiving the scholarship (non-stem major). I did end up getting wait-listed last year, and got off the wait-list eventually, so don’t feel discouraged if you’re currently wait-listed.

Welp lol

Mine says application selected, so what exactly does this mean? Does this indicate selection to be a scholar, but not necessarily scholarship funding?

Hi camelsrock, it’s definitely a good sign. I believe those who are selected should be guaranteed to receive funds vs those who are waitlisted who may or may not. From what I’ve read on last year’s forum is that those who are selected and waitlisted are both considered HSF scholars. Of course anyone can post and correct me if i’m wrong. Mind if I ask about your stats?

I am a waitlisted student, though I am not sure if I am waitlisted because of my credentials or because HSF needs to first confirm that I am enrolled for Fall semester.

My credentials, dual masters at University of Michigan in Math and Stats. First year as a grad student. I submitted 6 recommendations, two of them coming from professors with Harvard degrees and two from Stanford, other two were from internships. Undergrad gpa was 3.5, also at Umich.

My guess is your credentials are probably better than mine in some way. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congrats to everyone who was selected. I am sure we will get an email confirming our status. From past years I think HSF tries to give most people in the waitlist a scholarship, but it may be like in the Fall. Also the selected recipients have a deadline to submit documents, and if they miss it they will lose the scholarship. Good luck to everyone!

how do you even get wait listed for a scholarship akjhfkahfhdklsa thanks hsf

I don’t see anything that says I’m waitlisted. What could this mean? Is it on where it shows the dates

Can you guys say when your application was submitted and if you can see your result, for example February 12 (Accepted/Rejected/Nothing). Maybe, just maybe, they are still reviewing the later ones and thats why some people see nothing on the portal? Mine would be:

March 30(Nothing)

So I used the little message tool to ask about all these status things, and HSF said this: “Thank you for contacting the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. We are currently working on finalizing scholar selection. You may have noticed that your dashboard displays a status update. At this time we ask that you stand by for clarification, an email will be sent with further information about your application status within the next few days. We apologize for the confusion.”

It’s super vague (probably intentionally so), but perhaps it means that the statuses you see are not final? This probably isn’t the case, and it’s probably just wishful thinking. It’s best to stay on the optimistic side though IMO.

April 2 (Waitlisted)
–I took advantage of the extension

Oh dang, so its not rolling or anything. Well, I guess I got rejected most likely.

Check the portal.

accepted — turned it in the day of

March 31 (nothing)

I received a scholarship for 2016-17 and was waitlisted last year. Interesting because I gained more accolades/GPA improved, but I’m wondering how much weight they put on students status (undergrad vs. graduate)? I am starting a PhD program this year.

My dashboard hasn’t changed since I turned in the application.

I just did, seems my application was wait-listed. Anyone else in the same boat? Should I have received an e-mail
telling me this? Last year I was wait-listed, and I did get an e-mail.

I was wait-listed as well. El Salvador represent!!
Last year I was wait-listed as well, and they took a lot longer than the dates posted to do basically everything.