Hispanic Students Class of 2016 Official Results thread

<p>I was accepted to Fordham (Lincoln Center) with a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>My stats:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/13626486-post117.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/13626486-post117.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Congratulations, TheJuanSoto! You and my daughter have both received the full tuition NHRP Scholar scholarship at Fordham, and may very well be classmates next year!</p>

<p>Bumping this thread.
I was recently accepted to San Diego State. :slight_smile: 95/100 UW GPA, 27 ACT. I’ll update with my full stats in March (or maybe February?) when I’ll hear back from the rest of my schools, which includes my top choice (Loyola Marymount) and my second choices (University of San Diego and University of San Francisco).
Also accepted to Drexel, but did not receive a dime…</p>

<p>Such wonderful results so far! Congratulations everyone!</p>

<p>Congratulations, TheJuanSoto! You and my daughter have both received the full tuition NHRP Scholar scholarship at Fordham, and may very well be classmates next year!</p>

<p>Awesome! Good to know people are taking advantage of this scholarship opportunity.</p>

<p>I find this offense. Shouldn’t all our kids post equally and not based on race? How would this look if someone posted Class of 2016 Caucasian Only?</p>

<p>^First, if you want to discuss race, this is not the place, for that please go to the Race sticky thread on the College Admissions forum. Any further similar comments posted here will be deleted as they belong on the Race thread.</p>

<p>Second, Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race.</p>

<p>Third, There are many ways people can post here if they choose to do so. On the Parents forum, on individual school forums, etc. This forum is an option that CC provides because there are issues that concern Hispanic students, if you are uncomfortable with it, you do not have to participate, but derision will not be tolerated.</p>

<p>Fourth, If you have a complaint, use the Report Problem Post button or post on the Community & Forum Issues forum.</p>

<p>And to answer MindySue, sure, posters post “Caucasian” all the time-not offensive at all. I think you stumbled upon the wrong forum, Mindy.</p>



<p>Mindy, Universities and scholarship providers are not color blind, they consider whether an applicant is Hispanic, Caucasian, African American, white, Asian etc. This forum helps us understand the role of Hispanic ethnicity in the admissions and scholarship process. Don’t get offended, understand it and embrace it. If you want to continue the discussion, we will be happy to discuss it on the appropriate thread (entomom has pointed you to)</p>

<p>NHRP finalist accepted at Stanford. </p>

<p>I’ll post stats after I enroll.</p>

<p>Colleges to Date:
US Naval Academy: Qualified and Congressman Nomination Letter received - waiting Appointment decision.
Penn State: Accepted - waiting honors program decision.
University of Arizona: Accepted - (30K year/120K total).
Iowa State: Accepted (12K year/48K total, plus in-state tuition)
University of Texas - Austin: Still Waiting, also applied to Engineering Honors
Ohio State University: Still Waiting, also applied for MSP
University of Texas - Dallas: Accepted (full tuition, books)
University of Michigan: Deferred until Regular Decision
Also Applying for NROTC Scholarships for five of these schools (Except Annapolis-of course)
Goal is to be Marine Officer - Special Operations, or Navy SEAL (if accepted into Naval Academy and SEAL assignment)</p>

SAT: 670 M, 670 CR, 690 W
ACT: 31
PSAT: 208
Awards: NMS Commended, National Hispanic Scholar, AP Scholar
AP Classes: US History, Human Geography, English Lang & Comp, World History, Environmental Science, Computer Science, English Literature and Comp, Economics, Government, BC Calculus
Foreign Language: Spanish 4 years
GPA: 3.73/4.0
Rank: Top 13%</p>

Lettered - Varsity Wrestling (11, 12) (Senior Captain), Varsity Swimming (9, 10)
Black Belt: Taekwondo</p>

<p>Activities: Lots of volunteering (Habitat for Humanity, Cloth a Child, Meals on Wheels, etc.)
Work Exp: Recreational Soccer Referee – 5 years experience during spring and fall schedule
Host: Sports bar – Summer of Junior Year</p>

State: Texas
School Type: Public
Ethnic Background: Mexico
Gender: Male
Parents Income: 150K (not qualifying for much aid/grants, purely academic)
Teacher Recommendation 1: Outstanding
Teacher Recommendation 2: Great
Counselor Recommendation: Based on Teacher Recs.</p>

<p>Attending: Brown University (PLME) - Early Decision
Accepted: Brown & FSU (honors) </p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown):
[</em>] ACT: 31 (superscored)
[<em>] SAT Subject Tests:
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.89
[<em>] Weighted GPA: 4.67
[</em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): top 4%
[<em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): English Language (5), Psychology (5), Spanish Language (5), U.S. History (4), World History (3), and a total of 10 AP courses.
[</em>] IB (place score in parenthesis):
[<em>] Senior Year Course Load: AP English Literature, AP Physics B, AP Chemistry AP U.S. Government & Pol., Anatomy/Physiology Honors, Economics Honors (highest offered), Precalculus (online), Drama 4, and Debate 4 (required),
[</em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Lemelson-MIT Program finalists, district/state acting awards.
[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Drama Club (president), Gay-Straight Alliance (president), ITS Troupe (president), Science Club (founder & president), Glee Club (historian), National Honor Society, and Academic Team.
[</em>] Job/Work Experience:
[<em>] Volunteer/Community service: 447 volunteer hours total. I shadowed extensively for many surgeries at my local hospital, volunteered at the hospital, was the student director for a children’s drama camp (2 years), built play sets, tutor in all subjects, volunteer cashier for soccer tournaments, and fundraisers.<br>
[</em>] Summer Activities: Drama Camp student director
[<em>] Essays (subjects and personal opinions):I will not be posting these.
[</em>] Common App Main Essay: Same as above
[<em>] EC Short Answer: I wrote about theatre.
[</em>] Additional Essay: Wrote about doing theatre and biology for PLME.
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation 1: AP English, phenomenal.
[</em>] Teacher Recommendation 2: Chemistry Honors, very good!
[<em>] Counselor Rec: It was great since I’ve bothered her endlessly for four years…
[</em>] Additional Rec: My drama teacher/club sponsor, very personal and amazing!
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant): Florida
[</em>] Country (if international applicant):
[<em>] Gender: M
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Country of Origin: USA, family from Cuba
[</em>] Educational level of parents: Mother (AA), Dad (high school)
[<em>] Income level: <60,000
[</em>] Adversity overcome: Trying to get out of ESOL & our very conservative town…
[<em>] Involvement in Hispanic community: None, honestly. :frowning:
[</em>] Other hooks (recruited athlete, development, etc.): I’m gay and I sent in a drama supplement.
[<em>] Accepted: Brown (PLME), FSU (Honors)
[</em>] Waitlisted:
[<em>] Denied:
[</em>] Pending: Dartmouth, Vassar, Northwestern, and UF. (withrew)
[<em>] Likely attending: Brown
[</em>] Outside scholarships: Applying to a bunch
[<em>] Institutional scholarships: The school’s scholarship.
[</em>] Strengths: Essays, courses, motivation, EC’s.
[li] Weaknesses: Test scores, class rank. [/li][/ul]**General Comments: Very ecstatic and wish everyone else the best! Go Bears! **</p>

<p>Got Accepted to: </p>

<p>St. John’s University (19k scholarship per year)
Adelphi University (17k scholarship per year)
SUNY Oneonta (no scholarship information given yet)
Stony Brook University (no scholarship information given yet) (2nd Choice)</p>

<p>Got Denied to:</p>

<p>NONE (Thank God!)</p>

<p>Still Waiting For: </p>

<p>Binghamton University (My DREAM School)
SUNY Albany
University at Buffalo</p>


<p>U/W GPA: 92.413
W GPA: 97.773
Rank: 14/ 426
SAT: 1850 CR+M: 1250
APs: World History (4), US History (3), Language and Composition (3), Biology (2)
Currently taking AP Govt. and AP Literature, I am also getting college credit for a psychology course I am taking. </p>

Student Government
Future Problem Solvers
Mock Trial Club
Peer Tutoring
Class of 2012
National Honor Society</p>

<p>Works at a supermarket
Volunteered at a daycare center for 3 summers
Hook: 1st Generation College Student
Essay: was about creating your own destiny rather than waiting for fate to guide your life. </p>

<p>Major: Political Science, but if I go to Binghamton- Philosophy, Politics and Law</p>

<p>Good Luck everyone!!</p>

<p>Son was accepted to Vanderbilt today with an invite to the Mosaic weekend (which, unfortunately, he won’t be able to attend). Any other invitees?</p>

<p>I posted in the thread on the Vanderbilt board already, but I also got accepted to the university with an invite to the MOSAIC weekend.</p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown):Hated score, did not submit
[</em>] ACT:33
[<em>] SAT Subject Tests: SAT 2 Chemistry: 730. SAT 2 Literature:710
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.8
[<em>] Weighted GPA: 4.2
[</em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 5%
[<em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Chemistry:4. AP Literature:4
[</em>] IB (place score in parenthesis):
[<em>] Senior Year Course Load: AP Literature, AP Calculus AB, AP Government, AP Spanish, Physics Honors, 3D Art 2
[</em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Not “major”, but I won a Hispanic Heritage Youth Award, A Junior Achievement Regional Award + 10k scholarship, Optimist Essay Award, Precalculus Hn award in my school, and other regional things.<br>
[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Medical Youth Society
[</em>] Job/Work Experience: Junior Counselor at a local Girl Scout camp for the summer, bes tjob ever and great experience!!
[li] Volunteer/Community service: Greeter/Monitor for my local American Red Cross donor center, I watch donors for signs of fainting, engage them, etc.</p>[/li]
<p>I’m too lazy to list my other activities, but for all of those high school juniors and sophomores and freshman out there, lemme tell you something. It isn’t the quantity of activities that matters, but the love you have for them, that will come across positively to admissions officers in your essays. So please, do things you love.
[<em>] Essays (subjects and personal opinions):[list] Common App: How i tutor kids and my methods of doing so; how i relate material to students-very personal and engagng
[</em>] EC Short Answer: Red Cross
[<em>] Additional Essay: whatever im a second semester senior
[</em>] Teacher Recommendation 1: AP chem teacher, shes thebest
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation 2: My history teacher who graduated from Rice a long time ago (Rice is my #1 choice, and I really excelled in his class and got along with him)
[</em>] Counselor Rec: I got a new counselor this year, so I had to work hard to get to know him. It might have been lukewarm.
[<em>] Additional Rec:
[</em>] State (if domestic applicant): Virginia
[<em>] Country (if international applicant): U.S.A.
[</em>] Gender:Girl
[<em>] School Type: Public, rich, but rarely sends kids to top 15 schools
[</em>] Country of Origin: My parents are Dominican and Puerto Rican; I identify with being Dominican more. Proud of my African, French, and Spanish roots.
[<em>] Educational level of parents:Both went to college. Not a top ranked school, but they really instilled the value of education in me from an early age and gently guided me throughout this process.
[</em>] Income level: My parents went from poor kids in the barrios of the DR and PR to middle class in U.S… I’m guessing 120k? Maybe less.
[<em>] Adversity overcome: Stereotypes against Hispanic females. Definitely. I’ve had many people underestimate my desires to do something with my life.
[</em>] Involvement in Hispanic community: I am involved but don’t feel like typing that out.
[<em>] Other hooks (recruited athlete, development, etc.): Well, I’m a hispanic female looking to study Chemistry.
[</em>] Accepted: Washington University in St. Louis!
[<em>] Waitlisted:nothing yet
[</em>] Denied: nothing yet
[<em>] Applied to: Wash U, University of Washington, UVA, William and Mary, Princeton, Stanford, Dartmouth, Rice University (First choice), Northwestern, Emory
[</em>] Outside scholarships: see awards above
[<em>] Institutional scholarships:
[</em>] Strengths:
[li] Weaknesses:[/li][/ul]General Comments: So, I really hope this post helps future Hispanic students looking to attend college.I really don’t have the best scores, but I did a lot of different things that involved my passions. For example, I did research on deer overpopulation and came up with a feasible solution, then submitted my paper to an organization. I always worried that my GPA not being a perfect 4.0 would hold me back, but I’ve definitely challenged myself with my course load (always taking the hardest load possible without killing myself), and extracurrics I love. I am one of the few high achieving Hispanic students in my predominantly white and wealthy HS, and have learned a lot of life lessons due to my experiences. My advice to you youngn’s? SPEND TIME ON YOUR ESSAYS! They really humanize your application. Admissions is holistic. I agonized over what specific type of stats each college would want, but could not find a pattern. Everything counts. Well, good luck to everyone, and hopefully I will receive more good news in April XD</p>



<p>I assume you applied for the Rodriguez scholarship? </p>

<p>Aren’t you done since you applied to WUSTL ED?</p>

<p>son- accepted at St Johns ($19k) & Drexel ($0), 3.6uw, 3.9w, 28 ACT, national level athlete, solid essays. waiting on others</p>

[<em>] ACT: 27
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 100): 95.4
[<em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 10%
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Macroeconomics, AP US History, AP US Gov, AP Psych, AP Bio
[<em>] Senior Year Course Load: Rigorous
[</em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Girl Scout Gold Award[/ul]Subjective:[ul]
[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Model UN
[</em>] Job/Work Experience: Teacher
[<em>] Volunteer/Community service: Mentoring/counseling (founder, peer counselor), girl scouts, and sailing (instructor)
[</em>] Summer Activities: Working and volunteering
[<em>] Essays (subjects and personal opinions):
[</em>] Common App Main Essay: I talked about my struggle with being multiracial and finding my identity. I thought it was the best I’ve ever written!
[<em>] EC Short Answer: Talked about sailing. This one was good, too.
[</em>] Additional Essay: I discussed my transcript in intensive detail.
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation 1: From my German teacher. I think it was good.
[</em>] Teacher Recommendation 2: From my English teacher. Same.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Same as above.
[</em>] State (if domestic applicant): Denial
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] School Type: Large public
[<em>] Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
[</em>] Educational level of parents: Mom went to Auburn, dad graduated from high school.
[<em>] Income level: <$100,000
[</em>] Adversity overcome: A lot. I think I put it in another post.
[<em>] Involvement in Hispanic community: I’m a mentor to children of Hispanic descent in my city’s community, and much more.
[</em>] Accepted: Arizona State, Cal State Fullerton, Drexel, Hawaii Pacific, Loyola Marymount, Loyola University New Orleans, San Diego State, San Francisco State, University of Oregon, University of San Francisco, American University (ED2), University of the Pacific
[<em>] Waitlisted: Nowhere!
[</em>] Denied: Nowhere! (Well, I withdrew from a university and 2 weeks after withdrawing, I got rejected. :rolleyes:)
[<em>] Attending: American University!
[li] Outside scholarships: Waiting on those.[/li][</em>] Institutional scholarships: Scholarships from every school I was accepted to except the CSUs and Drexel (I got a $1,000 scholarship, but eh).
[<em>] Strengths: Essays, ECs.
[</em>] Weaknesses: GPA and test scores.
[/ul]General Comments: Never give up.
My parents are beyond proud of me, and I must say… I’m proud of myself. I honestly never thought I’d be accepted to any of my schools, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the outcomes! One of the highlights of my application that I’m really proud of is most definitely my resume–the adcoms at American stated in my acceptance letter that they admired my passion for helping others (I had somewhere around ~1300 hours). I love American University, and I’m beyond excited to have the opportunity to attend in the fall! I’m also relieved that this process is finally over for me, and I can now withdraw from the rest of my schools.
I’m pretty sure I left out something, so forgive me if I did.
Good luck everyone! And PLEASE spend some time on your essays!</p>

<p>ronaldo, are those the amounts for FA/merit scholarships received or are they the COA?</p>

<p>I’m a National Hispanic Scholar</p>

<p>Rank: Top 7%
State: GA
GPA: 3.9 W 3.6 UW
SAT: 2070: 660 CR 700 M 710 W
SAT II: Spanish 760 USH 670; 1430 total
Accepted: GA Tech, UGA
Waitlisted: None
Denied: None, but that might change soon haha
Applied: Emory, Stanford, Harvard, Vanderbilt, USC, U Penn (All reach schools, crossing my fingers to get into at least one)
Extracurriculars: Soccer and Track are my passions, treasurer and co founder of anchor club at my school, beta club member. Theres lots of other stuff, but i only mentioned my key activities</p>