Hispanic Students Class of 2016 Official Results thread

<p>Yes, my son met a wonderful young lady at MIT’s WISE program last fall who was super low income from California and she got admitted SCEA to Princeton.</p>

<p>I will confess I would like to know that my son got into schools on his own merit rather than on his being 1/2 Puerto Rican, but I guess there’s no sure way to know that. I’d like to think his leadership, multiple national awards/honors, gpa, SAT/SAT II, graduate level research, great letters of recommendation, music supplement, and tons of college classes would have gotten him admitted anyways but…</p>

<p>I guess in the back of my mind, I don’t want other people at these schools thinking that my son was admitted “only” because he’s PR. His friends and others who know him know that he is a super strong student, but kids at colleges might not. Am I the only one that thinks about this stuff?</p>


<p>I take it dad’s a Princeton grad? :slight_smile: Stanford’s great for what your son wants to do!</p>

<p>Curious as to the difference in culture between MIT and Stanford. We’ve never been to Stanford and son didn’t apply, so I’m not really familiar with what makes it different from MIT.</p>

<p>^Full disclosure: I’ve never been to either of these schools.</p>

<p>I think a major difference is MITs concentration is STEM fields. Sure they have other concentrations, but they definitely have a bigger and more exclusive emphasis on these areas compared to S, which while strong in these fields, also has strengths in many other unrelated areas of study.</p>

<p>A non-academic difference is that athletics are big at S, even when compared to schools like HYP which are also D1.</p>

<p>I would guess that both of these factors lead to major differences in the cultures of these schools.</p>

<p>First a big congratulations to all of you and your incredible admissions results. I think this is one of the best years since I’ve been posting on CC for hispanic student acceptances. </p>

<p>Second Sbjdorlo the way I look at being hispanic in college admissions may help you in this situation. I tell my own children and the students I counsel that being hispanic helps in turning the knob on the door but that they have to do the work to push open the door and walk through it. No college is going to admit an unqualified student simply because they are hispanic and anyone out there who holds that view is simply “small-minded” in my opinion. I have no doubt your son’s wonderful admissions were all based on the accomplishments you mentioned; being Puerto Rican just made him a more attractive candidate but he had to pass muster like all the other applicants. </p>

<p>Now I wouldn’t be naive and not think that no one will make a snide comment to you or your son about being hispanic and college admissions. In fact the thing that really made me angry and very disappointed was how a few students and their parents at my son’s high school treated my son and his fellow hispanic friends from other school. Anytime the results were good for a hispanic student including my son they commented that it was due to being hispanic and completely overlooking grades; sat scores etc. Finally I realized how petty these people were; how insecure they were and figured it was there problem not mine or my son’s. (however I did stoop once to their level when I said they must have figured out that the color of my son’s application was brown while their paper was white just to show them how ridiculous they were being). Sbjdorlo celebrate your son’s accomplishments. Others will always be jealous but it is there problem.</p>

<p>Thanks for your post, itsv. Your perspective makes sense.</p>

<p>We are all done here! 10 out of 10 colleges have been kind enough to admit my son. He heard from Penn and Harvey Mudd today.</p>

<p>We still have some financial aid packages to look at. Son’s also a finalist for the full tuition scholarship at Mudd.</p>

<p>Once all aid packages are in and visits are done, the difficult decision making process begins.</p>

<p>How did everyone else fair today?</p>

<p>Sbjdorlo- WooHoo- wow that is just wonderful news. Last year at this time when you started posting would you have believed he would have gotten in to all 10!! I don’t believe it has been mentioned before but you deserve a big pat on the back and thank you. I hope your son appreciates you. I know you put a lot of effort into helping him with his applications. Plus anyone who has the patience to home-school their teen is a saint in my book. Could you please do me a favorite and post here the list of school in got into? I can’t remember them all and it would be inspiring to other Hispanics for next year. Go out and celebrate tonight!!</p>

<p>P.S sorry for my bad spelling in previous post- it should have been “their” not “there”. What I get for a late night.</p>

<p>No apologies necessary. :-)</p>

<p>Yes, my son is very grateful for the help! He does know he probably could not have muddled through the application season without my administrative help. I will be very interested to see if he can learn those skills when he dives into college or whether he’ll struggle. It’s a very weak area of his!</p>

<p>Accepted schools w/ any special features:</p>

University of Pennsylvania
Harvey Mudd (Presidential Scholars full tuition scholarship finalist)
Vanderbilt (Cornelius Vanderbilt full tuition scholarship plus need based made full ride)
UT Dallas (Full ride though McDermott Scholars)
University of Pittsburgh (Full tuition scholarship)
Baylor (Merit)</p>

<p>Now the process begins, once all the f. aid packages are in. The challenging part is that the Princeton Preview ends on April 21. The Mudd interview is on April 14 and then he would still need to hear if he got the scholarship. That doesn’t leave much wiggle room before May 1.</p>

<p>Itsv, if you or anyone else has advice on the decision making process, please share! I value everyone’s experience.</p>

<p>I have seen it suggested on cc that MIT has a slight advantage over Stanford in preparing students for careers in research/ academia, whereas Stanford has an edge in preparing students who want to participate in partnering with the business community. So, if the goal is to begin a startup company or a CEO of a high tech company, Stanford might be better. On the other hand, if you’re planning on becoming a professor, publish research etc then MIT could be be the ticket.</p>

<p>Do you think the same would hold true for grad school, perazziman?</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone for the acceptances! I’m a Mexican, first gen student from a low income family. I just wanted to share my results with the people here.</p>

<p>Admitted: Harvard, Columbia, UPenn, Georgetown, Kenyon
Waitlisted: Princeton, Duke, UChicago, Davidson
Rejected: Yale</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who has shared their results. While we haven’t had the results seen elsewhere on this board, we are all smiles and very happy with the results. While we had some surprises (which are expected as part of the process), I think ultimately, the schools that admitted our daughter were the best intellectual matches for her. </p>

<p>Now we are trying to balance heart (Tufts, Wesleyan) and mind (Fordham with full-tuition scholarship).</p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): N/A
[</em>] ACT: 32 – one sitting, junior year
[<em>] SAT II: 790 (Lit), 730 (Bio), 710 (USH)
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
[<em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 20th percentile
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): Bio 4, USH 4
[<em>] IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
[</em>] Senior Year Course Load: AP Govt, AP Calc AB, Honors Physics, Honors Latin IV
[li] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Hispanic Recognition Scholar</p>[/li]
[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): President, Latin Club; Manager, Theater Costume Department (4 years); Water Polo Varsity, two years, Team Manager one year
[</em>] Job/Work Experience: Swim instructor (four summers), Lifeguard
[<em>] Volunteer/Community service: Volunteer 150 hours in Pediatrics at local hospital, other misc stuff
[</em>] Essays: Good
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation: Great
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Good</p>

[<em>] Intended Major(s): Bio/anthro (pre-med)
[</em>] State (if domestic applicant): CA
[<em>] School Type: Private, all-girls Catholic
[</em>] Ethnicity: Hispanic (Mexican-American)
[<em>] Gender: F
[</em>] Income bracket (if applicable): That middle ground where we don’t qualify for FA but really can’t afford $60k+/year
[li] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM – but not low-income or first-gen, which I think is taken into account by colleges</p>[/li]
[<em>] Strengths: Nothing outstanding, just a solid student
[</em>] Weaknesses: not in top decile; not as many Aps as classmates due to class schedule conflicts
[li] Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: </p>[/li]
<p>Accepted: Tufts, Wesleyan (early write), Fordham (full-tuition scholarship), Villanova, Loyola Chicago ($14k scholarship)</p>

<p>W/L: Amherst (won’t accept waitlist)</p>

<p>Rejected: Yale, Duke, USC, Georgetown</p>

<p>Fabulous, imliz123!!!</p>

<p>Do you know where you’re headed? With low income, you’re probably headed wherever you want! :slight_smile: Which school seems to be the best fit for you? You’ve got an amazing array of choices!</p>


<p>Congratulations on some great choices! It’s hard to pass up those full tuition scholarships! Keep us posted on the decision, ok?</p>

<p>sbjdorlo, Here is an interesting discussion on the subject:</p>

<p>[Is</a> it better to attend Stanford or MIT for an undergraduate interested in biological or chemical engineering? - Quora](<a href=“http://www.quora.com/Is-it-better-to-attend-Stanford-or-MIT-for-an-undergraduate-interested-in-biological-or-chemical-engineering]Is”>http://www.quora.com/Is-it-better-to-attend-Stanford-or-MIT-for-an-undergraduate-interested-in-biological-or-chemical-engineering)</p>

<p>I guess this admissions cycle is just about over. Congratulations to all and I hope everyone has a wonderful freshman year next fall!</p>

<p>Any stats or other details you can give along with your results would be helpful to future Hispanic applicants, note that the template given in post #1 of this thread is slightly different from others, to add more details about the applicant’s Hispanic status. Please feel free to approximate test scores, give generalized descriptions of ECs, etc. in order to protect personal privacy.</p>

<p>The admission process is daunting </p>

<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>

<p>Note: In the spirit of sharing, I have added D2s results from last year to the Class of 2015 Results thread. You can find a link to the thread in the Resources sticky thread.</p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): 2200 (700 CR, 760 M, 740 W)
[</em>] ACT: n/a
[<em>] SAT Subject Tests: Biology M - 790, Math Level II - 720
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
[<em>] Weighted GPA: 4.89
[</em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 6/325
[<em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP World History (5), AP Biology (5), AP English Language (5), AP Environmental Science (4), AP Psychology (5), AP United States History (5)
[</em>] IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
[<em>] Senior Year Course Load: AP Computer Science A, AP Chemistry, AP English Literature, AP Calculus BC, Pharmacy Technician (certification course)
[</em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Hispanic Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, National Ventures Scholar
[/ul]Subjective: [ul]
[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Math Club (President), Computer Science Club, Health Occupations Students of America, National Honor Society
[</em>] Job/Work Experience: none
[<em>] Volunteer/Community service: Participated in a summer hospital volunteering program.
[</em>] Summer Activities: see above[/ul]
Essays (subjects and personal opinions):[ul]
[<em>] Common App Main Essay: Wrote about a person who influenced me. Overall fairly good.
[</em>] EC Short Answer: Wrote about volunteering at the hospital.
[<em>] Additional Essay: none
[</em>] Teacher Recommendation 1: Did not see, but was probably very good.
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation 2: Did not see, but was probably very good.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Did not see. Probably average.
[<em>] Additional Rec: none[/ul]
[</em>] State (if domestic applicant): TX
[<em>] Country (if international applicant):
[</em>] Gender: M
[<em>] School Type: Public, 4A (~ 1800 students), Moderately competitive
[</em>] Country of Origin: Mexico
[<em>] Educational level of parents: Father attended community college for a semester. Mother graduated from high school.
[</em>] Income level: $60,000 - $79,999
[<em>] Adversity overcome: Not sure if this counts, but very few Hispanic students succeed academically at my school simply due to their families’ (lack of) support and the culture in general. Have also dealt with some racism but since then have learned to ignore it.
[</em>] Involvement in Hispanic community: My family and I vacation at Mexico every two to three years to visit family.
[<em>] Other hooks (recruited athlete, development, etc.): None
[</em>] Accepted: UT Austin, WashU, Vanderbilt, USC, Northwestern
[<em>] Waitlisted: Princeton
[</em>] Denied: none
[<em>] Likely attending: WashU
[</em>] Outside scholarships: LULAC Scholarship
[<em>] Institutional scholarships: Dean’s Scholarship (USC), Also received need-based grants at every university I got accepted into
[</em>] Strengths: GPA, Essays
[li] Weaknesses: My ECs were not overly outstanding. However, I believe they were still focused and showed interest in particular fields.[/li][/ul]General Comments: I am certainly amazed with how the admissions season went for me this year. I have plenty of great colleges to choose from, for sure. All of my demonstrated need has been met at the majority of the colleges I got accepted into as well. :)</p>

<p>This is for my S.
Original posted stats on [url=&lt;a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/13586485-post13.html]#13[/url”&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/13586485-post13.html]#13[/url</a>] </p>

[<em>] Major: Physics - College of Arts & Sciences
[</em>] Accepted:
-Santa Clara University (full-tuition Jesuit Ignatian award)
-Barrett Honors College, ASU (full-tuition National Scholar award)
-Fordham University ($24,100 Jogues scholarship & Fordham Grant In Aid)
-NYU-Poly ($16k Promise scholarship)
-University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (no scholarship offer)
-University of Washington (no scholarship offer)
-University of Portland ($17k President’s scholarship)
-Case Western Reserve ($22,500 CWRU merit scholarship)
-Colorado School of Mines ($12k CSM merit scholarship)
-Loyola New Orleans ($22k Jesuit Identity scholarship)
-Loyola Chicago ($16,500 Damen scholarship & Jesuit Heritage award)
-Saint Louis University ($17k Dean’s scholarship & JesuitHS award)
-Willamette University ($19k Academic Leadership Award & Jason Lee Award)
[<em>] Denied: Stanford, Georgetown, Cornell
[</em>] Likely attending: Santa Clara University :slight_smile: