Hispanic Students Class of 2018 Discussion Thread

<p>Our daughter is a very average kid so not in the same realm as most here but she got her first acceptance today, University of Iowa. We’re happy because it takes some pressure off her to know she has at least one acceptance. She is still filling out applications at 3 other schools but won’t know until Dec/Jan if lucky. Good luck to everyone in the class of 2018.</p>

<p>Congratulations, the first one is the sweetest! Best of luck to her during the rest of the cycle.</p>

<p>Congratulations, newfaith!</p>

<p>I would love if you would share your student’s stats that got her into U of Iowa. Thank-you!</p>

<p>Never mind! I found it on another thread. Thanks!</p>

<p>My son, too, is just another Hispanic student from TX with big dreams. He is NHRP. Does anyone know about the implications of NHRP to non-state schools? That is, my son is interested in Ivy League and CC Top Universities (ie UChicago, Stanford, NYU).
Please comment.</p>

<p>^See my post #687 here:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/640730-national-hispanic-recognition-program-46.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/640730-national-hispanic-recognition-program-46.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I am unsure if my child is “reaching” high enough in his reach schools.
For a student with the stats below who is interested in Engineering what would you view as reach school examples?
He is
NHRP, NM Commended Scholar, AP Scholar w/Distinction
34 ACT (36M, 34S, 33E,34R),
2130SAT (800M,640R,670W),
SAT II (800 Math level 2, 780 Chem)
GPA 3.93 weighted
very rigorous coursework but no post secondary courses
(7AP tests so far, 5 AP classes this year)
Strong ECs including speech and debate
strong results and 2xNational competitor @ rowing Crew (2x/year since 9th grade)
i dont know what else …</p>

<p>Thank you. At this point I am concerned that he is not reaching far enough and will not know where the ceiling is.</p>

<p>And, I forgot to mention this,
He is Hispanic (Mexican) and Pacific Islander. Not sure if that is an issue that matters or makes a difference.</p>

<p>sunny, </p>

<p>I don’t see a problem with your S applying to any colleges in the country as reaches with his profile. His stats are within range to be competitive and he seems to have some strong ECs. Being MA helps, although that may be tempered depending on the educational and income level of your family.</p>

<p>The question to me is more the balance of reach schools in his overall list of schools. Does he have admissions and financial safeties that he’s reasonably happy to attend? Does he have a good number of match schools? In the last few cycles, I’ve seen lots of candidates WLed to what they often considered matches.</p>

<p>He is applying to UMichigan, Ohio State and Northeastern as match (is that the same as safety schools)
Wash U, Vanderbilt, UChicago (EA)
Brown, Northwestern, and UC Berkeley </p>

<p>I know UChicago is a reach
but again, I am not sure if he has applied to enough reaches and matches.
He does not qualify to apply for Questbridge.</p>

<p>You wrote that you saw a lot of candidates wait-listed to what they considered matches - can you elaborate on that. </p>

<p>And the pacific islander origin is Guam. I’ve noticed that some schools seem to lump Asian and PI together but they are different.</p>

<p>I’m another Hispanic kid from Texas hoping to make it big! I have a 4.2 gpa, I’m ranked 95/693 (school is competitive, darn Asians lol) and I got a 1720 on the sat…1140/1600 (mediocre, I know.) but I applied to UT-Austin, UT-Dallas, TAMU, and U of H. I think I would take the BLINN TEAM if I got it offered… But who knows… I really don’t want to go to a community college :frowning: I’m thinking of applying to Vanderbilt as my “high reach” school. Who knows. Any advice is welcome!</p>


<p>Matches are not the same as safeties, and therein lies the problem as students often think that they’re likely to get into a match. To me, a match means the applicant has a realistic chance, but not necessarily likely unless it’s a low match. A safety is a guaranteed admission or very close to it; this is most often the case with an IS public or an early acceptance (before Jan 1) to an EA or rolling school.</p>

<p>What I’ve noticed the past couple of years is two things happening at the same time: increased use of WLing by schools and applicants thinking that matches are more of a sure bet than they really are. This can leave a hole in the middle of a school list, so unless reaches come through the applicant is disappointed.</p>

<p>Seems like Ohio State should be a pretty solid safety. I assume you’re OK with the OOS tuition or are hoping for merit at UMichigan. While I’m a Cal alum and think it’s still a great school, it’s close to 60k OOS for a large public with severe budget problems which impacts class size, graduation times, etc. UChicago and Brown are pretty different due to the core vs. open curriculum. Socially, Vandy seems like a bit of an outlier compared to the other schools.</p>


<p>Welcome to CC and the Hispanic Students forum! </p>

<p>I’m afraid I’m not very familiar with TX schools, your HS GC would be the best person to tell you where you stand.</p>

<p>Thank you! This is the first time I have read about matches. From your example, it seems that students have been waitlisted for reach schools that they are unlikely to be admitted to, do not get admitted to, but becauase they were waitlisted students in the next cycle misinterpret the likliehood of being admitted to the reach match. Does that sound about right? If so, I am going to take a closer look at the Naviance graphs with a filter on the Wled students.</p>

<p>And my husband and I are UCSD alum :slight_smile: </p>

<p>For any other parents reading this, the second guessing of guidance and advice given to my children is so difficult to endure in the period between application and decision!</p>

<p>I was just looking at the 2017 thread…Any moms on here that can post stats from their kids acceptances last year? It looks like at the end of the thread a lot of students got into a plethora of great schools but no stats posted so difficult to see how I compared :(</p>

My daughter has received an admission to Fordham Lincoln Center. This was so exciting because Fordham is her first choice school! The great news took off a LOT of stress for both of us. Now the big concern is financial aid. I wish we had known about NHSP because it’s possible she could have qualified. Her stats:</p>

<p>3.5(UW) 3.7(W)
SAT I 1920 (CR 690, M610, W620) first sitting in October. Fingers crossed for a higher November score.
SAT II - only took Bio 610 but did not submit (I think) we went through a phase during sophomore and Junior year where we weren’t too focused on college. I say we because I failed to schedule or pay for SAT exams (even though I said I would), or offer any practical help as to preparation (again, I said I would enroll her in a class). I was a bit overwhelmed and her low grades (started getting C’s) made me a bit disengaged. </p>

<p>AP’s (4)Bio, (3) World Hist., (4) APUSH, (4) AP Eng
EC - Gay Straight Alliance (Pres), Unidos Con Amigos (co-founder/vice-president) a club for students to learn about Hispanic Heritage. Key Club, Philosophy Club, Part-time job, Theatre/Drama, Choir. No other leadership or awards. Very heavily involved in theatre (attends magnet school for performing arts)</p>

<p>Essay - I thought it was pretty good because it was unique. talked about why she is so passionate about LGBT rights, what has influenced her and how she looks forward to making a difference. (she is a straight ally).</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: math teacher- who knows
History teacher - this was excellent and he was her faculty advisor for GSA so he talked about the impact she had on the club and her passion. Plus he’s known her since freshman year and they’ve worked on various projects/activities together (MUN, GSA, Philosophy, and community events).</p>

<p>I definitely think her strength is her passion. It can’t help but come through in everything she does.
Weakness: definitely transcripts. C’s. no upward trend. </p>

<p>She also applied to Whittier, University of San Francisco, San Franciso State, Clark, and Tulane. Because of the early acceptance she will only send in additional apps to Occidental and Barnard. </p>

<p>Happy to have found such amazing resources here for Hispanic students. It will defintiely help me as I guide the next two through this process.</p>

<p>Accepted to Baylor :D</p>

<p>I just wanted to say thank you to entomom for letting me know about the diversity fly-ins. I would have never known they existed if not for your reply earlier in this thread. Thanks to you I was able to take part in the Experience Colby and Amherst DIVOH programs these last couple of months! (:</p>

<p>Glad to have been of help! Hope your applications are going well and that you’re enjoying your sr year.</p>

<p>D1 did the Amherst weekend too, I remember her telling me about how beautiful the fall leaves were from the airplane. I always wanted to go to school in bucolic western MA, listened to too many James Taylor (before your time) songs I guess :).</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone on the early acceptances, keep them coming in!</p>

<p>Hey guys! I’m a Hispanic student in Texas (HS class of 2014) and my top choice school is Tulane. I applied to TuIane originally as an EA but later emailed my admissions counselorl to change to SCEA as I felt it suited me better. Not exactly sure when my application was marked complete but I was hoping I could get some feedback on my chances? Here’s some of my stats:</p>

<p>SAT: 2160
Math- 700
Writing- 720</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7/4.0 and 4.78/5.0 </p>

<p>Awards and Activities: National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar, AP Scholar with distinction, Silver award on the National Spanish Exam, Varsity Soccer 2 years, member of a child mentoring program that requires application and interviewing to get in, employed at my local YMCA about 20 hours a week, and have done over a hundred hours volunteer work at my local library over the past few summers. </p>

<p>As far as demonstrated interest, I visited a Tulane comes to you reception, completed my optional essay about why i want to attend the school, and kept in touch with my admission counselor. </p>

<p>My AP courses between soph. year and now include Stat, Environmental Science, Spanish Language, English Language, United States History, World History, Calculus AB, Government, English Lit, Biology, and next semester I’ll be in AP economics as well. I will be graduating under a Summa Cum Laude grad plan with 32 credits. </p>

<p>Please be brutally honest! Thanks guys!</p>

<p>Welcome bromar!</p>

<p>It’s interesting that Tulane has both EA & SCEA, they must see a difference in their yield when applicants limit their early options. And I thought that only HYPS had SCEA, that’s what happens when you aren’t directly involved in the admission process for a couple of years.</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t do Chances, but best of luck in a couple of weeks, both with admission and merit scholarships!</p>

<p>I thought the idea of SCEA as opposed to straight up ED was interesting as well. It’s supposed to significantly boost an applicant (as told to me by my admissions counselor) in the admissions process on the basis that it shows more demonstrated interest. </p>

<p>For anyone who is interested or doesn’t already know, University of Kansas, TAMU, Arizona State, and Arizona all offer generous scholarships for NHRP Scholars. ASU and UA offer full tuition, Kansas 40K, and TAMU 14k, though TAMU’s deadline was yesterday and ASU’s may or may not have passed, I am not sure. however, the other offers are quite generous and I’d advise any other NHRP scholars to look into them</p>