Hispanic Students - COLLEGE CLASS of 2015

Dee Gamble no longer works at Cornell.</p>

He really wants to apply Cornell ED, no changing that teenage mind. If it doesn’t work out, we will look at the other schools. </p>

<p>Stress, stress, stress…I’m afraid to look in the mirror and see all the gray hair on my head.:)</p>

<p>Up at 6:30am and my son’s scores are not available and I think I know why. He wasn’t feeling well the day of the test and decided to complete only the CR and M sections. I bet this caused a red flag with a writing score at 200. Murphy’s Law.</p>

<p>I found some interesting reading I would like to share with everybody. I was very surprised to see the average sat scores posted for the various colleges. Comments please.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.stanford.edu/~jdlevin/Papers/EarlyAdmissions.pdf[/url]”>http://www.stanford.edu/~jdlevin/Papers/EarlyAdmissions.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Good luck everyone with the apps and test scores! D sent off 3 applications including one EA but has a bunch of supplemental essays to do yet for others. Will be glad when this process is over–have had significant involvement in organizing & am out of gas. </p>

<p>D got a phone call from a student recruiter yesterday asking her if she had sent her application yet. Too much. I bet her Email is chock full of that stuff too.</p>

<p>Question. I know some of the supplemental applications ask which other colleges the student is applying to. Do you have to fill that out? I told Dau maybe she should list a couple like her state flagship but I didn’t really know.</p>

<p>JRN Mom- I think it is a benefit to put all colleges so schools can identify who they are competing with and the college list paints a picture of student’s aspirations.</p>

<p>Second, I would urge all students who are good candidates for WUSTL to apply for Rodriguea scholarship. My S was not a superstar volunteer (didn’t start any programs etc) but had some service but wrote a compelling essay regarding “heart, mind and action” and community. This scholarship is open to all, but it seems many recipients are hispanic. The application requires no additional recommendation and is easy to complete-shorts answers and one essay I believe.</p>

<p>Well, My D submitted her Common App last night and supplement for EA Ivy. She’s about ready to submit all other supplements and 2 other school site apps, then its on to scholarship applications. Need to be done by December 1 but I can see she is getting excited about the reality of college next year. </p>

<p>Wishing everyone good luck!</p>


<p>I was sad to hear Dee Gamble isn’t at Cornell anymore. Try this person:</p>

<p>Angela Herrera</p>

<p><a href=“mailto:EAH28@cornell.edu”>EAH28@cornell.edu</a>
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Multicultural Recruitment </p>

<p>Since colleges are in full recruitment at this time I would email Ms. Herrera because my experience has been that they are usually better at returning emails since they can be on the road this time of the year. Ms. Herrera has taken over for Mr. Gamble it looks like.</p>

<p>Here is info about multicultural affairs visit: [Cornell</a> University Undergraduate Admissions Office -MVP](<a href=“http://admissions.cornell.edu/seasonal/mvp/mvp.cfm]Cornell”>http://admissions.cornell.edu/seasonal/mvp/mvp.cfm)</p>

<p>Here is info about CU Image that is devoted to increasing the admissions of latinos. There is contact info there. [Cornell</a> Student Activities Office - 2010-2011 - CU IMAGE](<a href=“http://sao.cornell.edu/SO/org/10-11/348]Cornell”>http://sao.cornell.edu/SO/org/10-11/348)</p>

<p>I see that CU has a program coordinator. </p>

<p>Hope this helps. It has been my experience to be persistent in follow-up.</p>

I have to claim ignorance, as I would not know what to write to her about.</p>



<p>IMO you should give them some names, but it’s OK to be selective. For instance, I wouldn’t show WUSTL a list loaded with the most selective colleges, with it in about the middle of the pack. Rather, I might list one or two more selective colleges and all of the peer and less selective colleges on your list. </p>

<p>There’s been a lot of discussion over the years about whether this question is intended for: a) marketing purposes or b) seeing if the school is being used as a backup for more selective colleges. Again, just my opinion, but I don’t think it’s the responsibility of the applicant to provide information to fulfill either of these purposes for the college. An applicant should not be evaluated based on what other schools they apply to. It’s none of their bees wax ;).</p>

<p>Thanks Ento. I think you are right. I wonder if I was an ad com reviewer if I could be unbiased if I saw the applicant’s list of hot shot colleges and ‘my college’ was in the middle of the pack. I think I’d suspect the applicant was not genuinely interested and look for another candidate who wanted to be there.</p>

I emailed Ms. Herrera and asked her if she could help me throught the early decision process to ensure we have submitted all necessary documentation. Last night we finished the common application for early decision with his new sat scores included(m 770, cr 670 within their range). My son’s essay was not the best and unfortunately I am not in a position to help to him. My writing ability is subpar. Hopefully everything will work out. Thanks for your help.</p>



<p>swm, thanks for the encouragement! If you don’t mind my asking, what was your son’s result, was he selected for the Rodriguez and if so, did he get one of the full tuition scholarships? D1 applied for both the Danforth and Rodriguez several years ago and was invited to the interview weekend but couldn’t attend because of overlapping interview dates. She already had a partial scholarship at another school, with the possibility there of a full ride and decided to go to that weekend since she could have ended up with nothing at WUSTL. As a result, we really don’t have a good gauge on the level of competition for the Rodriguez, although I suspect it’s high (we have a good friend who was a Rodriguez scholar).</p>

<p>At least the RD submission date is late, so it gives an applicant time to see their early returns and then decide if they want to apply.</p>


<p>I would just write her and say something like " my son loves Cornell and engiineering. He is an NHRP (I thought it is) we would appreciate any of your help as to whether it is best for him to apply ED or RD. Also money-do you have merit scholarships for latinos in engineering? Also do you have any sponosored multi-cutural vist program.?" </p>

<p>Basically you want to get son on their radar. In fact have your son send the email (you can be with him helping me to write it and cover all details etc.</p>

<p>My son’s friend used my son’s info from a letter from Dee Gamble. He wrote to him got on Dee Gamble’s radar and the kid ended up getting into Cornell.</p>

<p>It has been my experience that every little bit helps. You have to remember that they get 1000’s of applications so if they can put a name to a face it really does help to make more of a connection.</p>

<p>Don’t worry if you don’t know. Many of us on cc are here to help. We have been through the process and can share our experience.</p>


<p>I am a terrible writer so I couldn’t help my son either. See if he english teacher can take a look at it or his GC.</p>

<p>Entomom-S was awarded 1/2 tuition Rodriguez at WUSTL (we did not apply for financial aid), 1/2 tuition at Rice, and 1/2 tuition at USC. He was also accepted to Duke, Swarthmore, Claremont McKenna, University of Texas at Austin and Notre Dame. I wondered if they gave full tuition to Rodgriquez scholars who also had financial need-not sure. He was NHRP, Commended Merit Schoar, AP Scholar with Dinstinction, top 5% of class, 32 ACT. Ended up choosing Rice but liked all his schools. We weren’t aware of Danforth and the guidance counselor nomination. I think if you D is competitve candidate for WUSTL, she has a good shot at Rodriguez scholarship.</p>

<p>^^^ Thanks for the information, it always helps to hear someone else’s experience. I’m not sure how much our friend got with the Rodriguez, if they qualified for FA, I’d guess that it wouldn’t have been too much. I’m not sure why they keep the Danforth such a deep dark secret, I found out about it here on CC.</p>

<p>D2 filled out the preapplications for WUSTL and Denison today. These 2 are on the reserve list right now, whether she goes further with them will depend on the early returns and how many additional scholarship essays I can convince her to write ;).</p>

<p>She got her 4th and final early application in today, so she gets a little breather to relax and enjoy Halloween with her friends.</p>

<p>I guess I can’t blame a 17 year old for being more concerned about the homecoming dance and Halloween parties this weekend than with college apps. The first deadline is Monday, and I figure he will hit send at 11 p.m. DS is a good kid with very high SAT scores, good grades, NHS, impressive ECs and a lively sense of humor. But he is unorganized on the college apps and somewhat absent minded. Seems to want to leave everything until the last second. (Relatively speaking, since he is applying EA to one university.)</p>

<p>He has written intelligent essays and I think he will be competitive for many oustanding universities. But I also wonder if 10 apps is too many. I’m thinking of suggesting that he cut his list to 5 plus the UC application (one app can be sent to several UCs).</p>

I feel your pain. 10 can be a lot, depending on the supplements. Some schools don’t have additional essays (eg. Dartmouth & WUSTL), others have open essays so you can easily use an essay from another school (eg. H & Y), while others have very specific essays, like responding to quotes (eg. Amherst), which usually demand an essay written just for that school.</p>

<p>Outside and Institutional scholarship essays can also add to the load since they usually demand writing about a very specific topic.</p>

<p>It’s nice that you have the option of multiple schools with the UC application.</p>

<p>The more I search this site the more I regret not having joined earlier. Thank you entomom and stillwatermom for you responses earlier. I had no idea there was a Hispanic students forum. What a great resource!. I will be following the threads and posting as well.</p>

<p>Glad to have you along for the ride occdom4!</p>

<p>Thanks, entomom. We got the common app and supplements out last night, more than 24 hrs before the deadline. :slight_smile: We’ll see where things go from here.</p>

<p>I was checking to see if D2s IS public got her transcripts yet and saw this: </p>

<p>Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Admission Offered</p>

<p>The first one is sweet, even though it was more or less a given! Her last LOR was sent for admission into the Honors college today, so it will be a while before she finds out about that and scholarships. But for now it’s nice to know she’s got a place to call home next fall.</p>