Hispanic Students - COLLEGE CLASS of 2015

<p>My S was going through this last year and also was a bit last minute/disorganized. It all worked out fine but I remember being a bit frantic last 1 de Noviembre and was a bit crabby with him blowing off the weekend to celebrate Halloween and dia de los difuntos (dia de los muertos). Well, tonight I would have loved to have had him with us as we spent the evening with other Ecuadorean families enjoying traditional guaguas de pan and colada morada. Don’t lose sight of these “last times” and make sure this senior year you don’t skip any family traditions because of time issues. THis year he sought out some other Ecuadorean kids at school to go find some bread rolls or at least bagels to be washed down with grape soda… it is nice to know they miss these traditions.</p>


<p>Colada morada! Did you know you’re talking to an ecuatoriano? Wish we had a tradition like that. Best I can do is sango de camarones every once in a while. Now you’ve inspired me to cook something this weekend. Saludos.</p>

<p>Fineartsmom - thanks for the little reminder of what is important. And I’m sure it will all work out the way it is supposed to now matter how much we all stress out. :-)</p>

<p>Congrats, entomom. That is great news!</p>

<p>Congrratulations entomom and welcome occdom4! D has all 8 schools submitted and they have all received forms, recommendations and transcripts. Hurray! Now D has November to complete 3 Bac/MD applications, and 4 scholarship applications. The good thing is that she can use similar essays for different schools. Everyone’s students on this forum are really making excellent progress-ahead of the curve, with great opportunities. Hang in there and breathe!</p>

Happy to hear about your D2s acceptance.</p>

<p>Thanks all! I hope everyone is enjoying the fall in your part of the country. It’s absolutely beautiful here in the NW, gorgeous colors, falling leaves and crisp blue days (for the time being at least).</p>

<p>Congrats Entomom on the acceptance letter. Wahoo!
D sent off common app to 7 or 8 colleges, still working on the supplementals and has an interview this coming week.
Hard to believe it is November already…good luck everyone.</p>

<p>^Good luck to your D on her interview! D2 in in the process of scheduling one too, it’s in town so that makes it easy.</p>

<p>Letters keep coming, make us wonder if we should apply to a few more.
University of New Mexico - Full tuition and Room and Board.
Iowa State - Full Tuition - George Washington Carver Scholarship, 100 available, must have 24 ACT.
University of Nebraska - Chancellor’s Scholarship - Full Tuition, + $2,000 towars room, board, and fees. (I previously thought I saw full room and board here). This school was on our list, but think is getting dropped for Auburn.
Other offers from University of South Flordia, University of North Texas.</p>

<p>Very good position to be in! But makes it all kind of confusing.</p>

<p>Arizona just passed Prop 107 banning Affrimative Action. I’m concerned this may impact the very generous National Hispanic Scholarship offers at University of Arizona and Arizona State.</p>

<p>We are counting on University of Arizona as one of our top choices. School is not really saying yet how exactly it will impact them. I’m going to call today. Will they still offer they scholarships in Fall 2011? If so, is there any chance that they could cancel them once the students are there? We are visiting there on Nov 19.</p>

<p>CA is one of the few states that has a similar law. Now I think I know why CA schools don’t offer National Hispanic Scholarships.</p>

<p>I was thinking the same thing about NHRP scholarships and the AZ schools. Good luck on your visit and keep us posted.</p>

<p>University of Arizona is not yet real clear of what the impact of the new Prop 107 will be on the National Hispanic Scholarships. Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid says it is not likely to impact the Fall 2011 scholarships. And not likely that once there on a scholarship that it would be taken away, current students would be ‘grandfathered’ in.</p>

<p>Also interesting note, other states that have similar laws: CA, Michigan, Washington, and Nebraska. Some public schools in some of those states have National Hispanic Scholarships - at least University of Nebraska. So there is still hope for the future in AZ.</p>

<p>This is an interesting question about propositions related to affirmative action in relation to NHS. NHS is in large part an academic award based on PSAT score and GPA. Arguably ethnicity is a secondary factor. Schools recruit NHS because of what the students are bringing academically. Nevertheless, Arizona (the state) has created some negative publicity for itself. Arizona State University seems committed to recruiting top Latino students, but for some oos students the question comes up about going to college in AZ in the wake of recent events. Could make for some interesting activism on campus, though.</p>

<p>I think the NHS letters are wonderful, and I hope that a lot of students benefit, especially those who do not have money for college.</p>

<p>My D received a letter from ASU yesterday offering scholarship of resident tuition for NHRS and Barrett’s Honors College information. Interesting and troubling situation in Arizona and agree with Copterguy about questions about overall environment and experience for Latino students.</p>

<p>My D just got her first admission guarantee at UT-Austin OOS! That first acceptance notification is a great relief-big exhale, terrific feeling. Just the other night she was lamenting her common app essay, fretting that she might not get in to any college. The college application process is stressful for parents and students and its accompanying anxiety can fluctuate in waves of doubt. I asked her if she thought she wrote a cohesive, excellent essay and she said yes. Then I encouraged her to believe in herself and her own standards. She felt more hopeful the next day.</p>

<p>Congrats to swm’s D! Austin sounds like a great place to go to college, a very nice one to have in her pocket!</p>

<p>Congrats Stillwatermom & D! I can’t believe how stressful this process is! (even though I’m sure it will work out just fine). I’m sure my D will be accepted almost everywhere she applies, except maybe Reed. Just a matter of how the finances will work out. She is not stressed at all, but I am. I keep adding and subtracting schools from the list. And she really is not interested in Auburn, since I saw them on lists in Princeton Review book as ‘Most Religious’ and ‘Least Friendly to Gays’. I don’t think I will be able to convince her to apply there. We are going out to University of AZ, now I just relized it is pretty stupid not to vist Arizona State at the same time, since I’ve just read about the Barrett Honors College. May try to extend visit a day to visit them. Have a call into Arizona state to try to find out if ‘Full Tuition’ scholarship letter includes room and board, or just tuition. Hope you are all not as crazy as I am.</p>

<p>BVMomof2, I was very stressed. But after the first app I decided to back off and let my S take the lead. It’s his search. I have told him how much I can contribute and to where. I have suggested that he apply to a university where he is likely to get in and get merit aid.
I have told him honors colleges are a great possibility. I hand him all the NHS letters. I am going to take him on a couple of visits later this month, but I have decided to let him take responsibility for the process. I guess that makes me lessofacopterguy. :)</p>

<p>Hey, congrats to stillwmom’s D!!! Austin is awesome!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the warms wishes for my D. It is a weird process of letting go, knowing things will work out well for our children, yet wanting the best opportunities as well. So much of it depends on the right fit and only my D can decide that for herself. The financial piece is so important as we hope our daughter can get some kind of merit aid. I like CopterGuy’s attitude adjustment. Will try it soon!</p>