I’m looking for input on the History departments at these three universities: Alabama, Ole Miss, Utah. My son plans on studying history (and then attending law school, but this is not why we are picking an UG school or particular history program). So I’d love info specifically on history departments at any of these three schools (yes, we’ve already considered many other factors, right now we are looking at the comparison of history departments). He is very interested in history and it’s important to him to find a good program (this has nothing to do with getting into law school). It’s not about coming out of a place with a good ranking to get ahead in life…just what will be the best for a learning experience.
Does anyone have any feedback on the history departments atay of these? Another parent told me her son at Alabama had all TA’s for level 100-200 classes, and also some 300 level. Our older son at Alabama hasn’t had any TA’s, I don’t think. He’s in the business college and honors college, so not sure if one of those made a difference. But that would stink for a history student to have all TA’s the first couple of years. This same parent told me that she has found that Alabama’s history department does not have a great reputation. I don’t know, but I think they have some interesting things to offer such as a legal concentration for history majors, and also an UG history publication.
I understand that Ole Miss has a very good history department? I don’t know much about it. As well as a very good honors college.
Do not know about Utah.
So if anyone can weigh in on the History departments at any of these, that’d be appreciated! Alabama has a good law school, and I understand that as a UG there he’ll have a better chance at getting in. But what about scholarships? Will he have a better chance at that as well? He doesn’t want to go there for law school, but I figure it is at least good to consider as a safe back-up plan.