History for my EE

<p>I'm starting IB junior year in August. I was wondering if the Elizabethan era would be a good idea for my EE topic. I was thinking that the question would go along the lines of " to what extent was the the Elizabethan era "golden"?" Does that sound pretty good or no?</p>

<p>That sounds like way too much to cover in 4000 words. Narrow it down. Golden. For whom? The upper class? The middle class? The peasants? Focus maybe on a single class. Or you could look at it even more differently. Golden? La Belle Epoque? Golden era for the authors? What do you mean by Golden? Gilded?</p>

<p>From what I heard there are three steps for history EE.

  1. Narrow it
  2. Narrow it more
  3. Narrow it even more</p>