
<p>UW is my #1 school </p>

<p>GPA: 3.45
upward grade trend from 9th grade
ACT: 27
I go to a very well known, challenging high school.
PSEO program, taking 8 credits this semester, and 11 next semester
Took two University of Minnesota classes for credit my junior year
PSEO Physics, AP calculus, AP chemistry, chemistry, biology
6 years of Spanish
Born in Wisconsin </p>

<p>Chance me?
Did you get into Madison?</p>

<p>ALSO: EC: National Honor Society, Spanish Tutoring, Theater, Dance, Violin, Flute, Lettered in Track and Field </p>

<p>Over 200 volunteer hours over the past 3 years</p>

<p>Well, as I have posted on prior ‘chance me’ threads, my brother’s friend got in with a 19 on the ACT. However, she did have really good EC’s… Your chances seem solid. Good luck!! (:</p>

<p>Do a lot of Prep work to get your ACT score higher or work hard on getting over 2000 on your SAT’s.</p>

<p>Not to dispute you, needstostudy, but for someone to be accepted to UW-Madison with a 19 ACT, she needed a LOT more than ‘really good EC’s’. Maybe low-income and/or under-represented minority and/or varsity athlete, and then it’s still a stretch. Many instances in the last two years of 29+ ACT’s being deferred or outright denied.</p>

<p>Yeah, I understand what you are saying. And yes, she is a URM, low-income, and she pretty much joined dozens of sports. I guess it is the hooks that make a big difference. However, I say this fact because it makes students feel like they can make it, rather than giving them a negative outlook.</p>

<p>Though, last year, there was another student who had a 24 and got accepted… and had no good hooks… But I understand what you mean jnm123.</p>

<p>Where does low-income show up in the application?</p>