Homeless, didn't get in through the waitlist, have no where else to go, need advice

Wow, what a wonderful story, and more great news.

I surely hope to help others in this world even a fraction compared to @MITChris.

This is a perfect 2021 story. :heart:


I stumbled upon this not realizing it was from 2012. I read every single post and I have to say this is the most amazing story!! You are an amazing person and a true inspiration.

Sometimes the college admissions process is beyond stressful and one can feel like a just another SAT score and a GPA …just a number. You have forever changed my outlook.

To the OP …just wow, I cannot imagine everything you had to overcome. I’m thrilled for you. You are a true inspiration. I love this story and MIT!!! amazing. Wishing you all the best that life can bring you. Your perseverance is unbelievable,

I’m smiling as I write this. I hope we can all strive to make an impact on another who needs it and pay it forward.

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You are a truly inspirational person, not only for what you did but for letting others know this story, inspiring every one of us. Thank you!

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i appreciate that but to be clear the inspirational one here is OP!!!


So glad this thread wasn’t closed - the updates are phenomenally inspiring. Congratulations to the OP. And what personal support from @MITChris. Sometimes it just takes one individual to change everything.


@MITChris, @thisisthais, made my day, week and year to read this. Thank you for making this world a better place. God bless you both.


Response does not surprise since that is reflection of you. Only action matters, not to take any credit and do things with no expectations.

World needs more @MITChris & @thisisthais. Never give up hope.


Wow - what an amazing story!! So glad that the thread is still going and I hope we get updates year after year. Congratulations @thisisthais, enjoy Cambridge!!


You watch or read the news and so much of it is about all the bad things in the world. So great to read a story such as this. It reminds you that there are still good people that do great things.

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Ok I know I’m not supposed to pick favourites but this is my favorite forum of all time


Amazing and touching real-life saga. Beautiful story of an undocumented, homeless kid (without parents!) whose dream to attend MIT ultimately came true, and the guardian angel who helped along the way. Please do not close this thread!


Congrats to @thisisthais!!

and thanks to @MITChris*, for reaching out in 2012, coming back with an update in 2016, and again now- he clearly really does see the person behind the application.

(*huge fan of your old blog posts btw- still think Applying Sideways is the single best piece of advice for HS students out there)


It’s examples like this that make me so proud to be connected to the MIT family. I showed this thread to my kid (‘23), and they said “of course this is how it’s worked out”. @MITChris - what you bring to the Institute is invaluable and I thank you for it.

My kid is the 5th person from both sides of their family to be able to call MIT home -3rd generation! I hope the OP finds it as special a place as my family has.


Very happy to see that she was able to attend my son’s (S17) soon to be alma mater for undergrad. Thank you Amherst! Thank you MIT!

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Thank you so much for the well wishes!


Thank you to everyone who followed this thread and sent me so much kindness! I’ve lurked in this thread occasionally over the years and your warm comments never fail to cheer me up and motivate me.


You are an inspiration!!

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You’ve got moxie and deserve all the success.

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@MITChris @thisisthais

If not for my son’s application information, I would not be able to read such a warming story about you two, both inspirational!

Thank you @MITChris @thisisthais !

I see the best of humanity, I see someone holding the fire to light and warm another one trudging through the snow in dark with barefoot for a dream.

I want this thread/story to be seen and this kindness and this courage to be relayed forever.