homesick freshman

<p>It's the start of my second quarter of my freshman year and it isn't going to well. Last quarter i was really homesick at first but I got over it quick and really began to love my school. I made friends with a handful of people really well. We all hung out together all the time and they are great friends. But, other than them I haven't made a lot of friends. It's weird that i feel this way because I loved my school so much last quarter that I didn't want to go home for winter break and I thought that my second semester would be great. I thought, now I'm used to college level classes and have friends and the room to myself since my roomie didn't come back, this will be awesome. But it hasn't. It feels like all the newness from college has worn of and now I'm really homesick. I am also getting tired of my friends. Since I hang out with them so much they tend to get on my nerves. We have meet some new people but this quarter is just different. It is colder and as I said all the newness seems to have worn off. We are going to more parties, which is both a bad and good thing. I love going to parties and they are a great way to meet people. I guess it's just that I'm really close to my family. I actually like to hang out with my parents. I know it sounds lame. I didn't have a whole lot of friends in high school and I'm kind of a homebody so I really liked to stay in some nights and just watch a movie with my family. I still like to go out on the weekends but I liked my time at home as well. I am shy and hate to talk about my feelings. I am really close with my mom and feel like she is the only one I am comfortable talking to about this sort of thing. I just really want to be home right now. Because I have been depressed about all of this lately and partly because I have ADHD, I have been having a harder time this quarter motivating my self to do my work. Last quarter I got a 4.0 and really want to do it again, but it is so hard to focus when I feel like this. Last quarter me and my group of friends would just hang out and watch tv some nights. I just like a mix between the two. I guess part of it is that I have always found relationships to be a lot of work. I always know where I stand with my family. I just liked to have a break from my friends in high school. I'd go to school and then come home and relax. It was a nice mix, but I find it really hard to be around my friends all the time.</p>

<p>I think you should be grateful for having made a good group of friends. There are plenty of people on this message board complaining about the opposite i.e. not making friends at college.
That being said, you should take time for yourself. While it may not be considered “cool” to spend time by yourself, you need to take time out. If you live in an urban area, go shopping downtown at a mall for an afternoon, spend time at a bookstore, or go to the gym alone. All of these activities will give you your quiet time and make you more excited to hang out w/your friends.</p>

<p>First of all, congratulations for doing so well the first quarter! It sounds as though your experience has been one of maturity and recognition of the joys and limits of living away from home.</p>

<p>It can be hard going back to school after winter break and all the fun, close times with family and holiday traditions. The newness of the first semester is over, you now see your great new friends as humans with flaws, and realize they can’t offer the unconditional love that parents and siblings can. </p>

<p>As winter fades into spring, and the days get longer (and warmer), I bet you’ll feel a new, revitalized spark. In the meantime, why not increase the phone calls to mom and siblings? I’m sure she would love to hear your concerns, and be able to cheer you up.</p>

<p>Craytay’s suggestion for exercise is a great one. Perhaps try the college lap pool, a yoga or dance class to center you. Seek out a concert or art museum to nourish your soul. A journal can be a therapeautic way to record your feelings and allow you to process the many daily dramas swirling about. </p>

<p>And remember, even though parties are so fun, and a great way to meet people, alcohol is a depressant, and can make you feel more blue the days after. Substituting some club soda, water, and colas will have you feeling cheerier-- and caffeine definitely elevates the mood. Good luck!</p>