Honest Advice Wanted-Please?

<p>So I'm still really debating about which Subject Tests to take for the Saturday testing.
I got a low 600 on the SAT Math Section (and 770CR, 740W) but this doesn't compute with my grades (A's) in my honors/AP math classes in high school, or my math grade on the ACT (low 30). At first I thought I should take the SAT Math II Sub. Test to counterbalance this low SAT math score. But, ultimately, I would prefer to just take the tests in U.S. History, Literature, and Chemistry. If I'm applying to some fairly selective schools (UChicago, Davidson, Cornell, Swarthmore...) would it be a really bad negative on my application if I don't take the Math Sub. Test, assuming that I do really well in Hist., Lit., and Chem.?</p>

<p>Any advice is welcome--with the test date looming so close I'm starting to reach panic attack mode...I want to finalize my choices for the test ASAP so that I can really get in some good cramming before Saturday.</p>

<p>you should check with the colleges where you’re planning to apply…
if they specifically ask for the Math II, then you have to;…otherwise, provided you get stellar grades for the tests you’ve mentioned, i think it wouldnt be that big a deal…</p>

<p>Davidson FTW!</p>

<p>lol, anyway I’m sort of the same as you, I suppose.</p>

<p>I took Lit and Math 2. 800 Lit, 700 Math 2. yikes.
Therefore, I’m retaking Math II and adding World History this Saturday.</p>

<p>If you like humanities, you’ll like the Lit test, lol</p>