Honest answers about different traits of UM students

<p>So I'm going to list a bunch of things I and many wanna know about the school and 1-2 sentence replies on each or as many as you can would be welcome!</p>

<p>Academic seriousness of the students:</p>

<p>Rigor of the classes (science specifically):</p>

<p>Diversity (racial, gender, economic):</p>

<p>Approachability, friendliness of students on campus:</p>

<p>Attractiveness of girls:</p>

<p>attractiveness of guys:</p>

<p>Promiscuousness of the students:</p>


<p>Social life:</p>

<p>Importance or lack there of, of Greek Life:</p>

<p>Predominant religion:</p>

<p>Predominant political belief:</p>

<p>Five things you must do your first year:</p>

<p>Okay let me take a stab at this</p>

<p>Academic seriousness of the students: Very. At UM they play hard and they study hard. I know a girl who was going out drinking a lot and still managed a 4.0. If you’re at UMiami you’re serious about your schooling even if its not evident on the surface.</p>

<p>Rigor of the classes (science specifically): I have only ever personally taken non-major science classes but judging from my friends, they’re hard but manageable. Some of my good friends are pre-rx and engineering, and they always are working on homework for those classes that makes my head spin. And there is always the mad rush of studying before any bio or chem test where everyone in the class is freaking out and studying together. No one does bad, so hard but manageable.</p>

<p>Diversity (racial, gender, economic):racial - fairly spread out, because miami attracts such a large demographic of students you get everyone, most races (especially the Indians and African Americans) tend to stick together. Mainly because of the historically black frats and the major club on campus for Indians (the name escapes me). Gender, even (stats say more girls?) economic - you get a few people who are incredibly wealthy but most are upper middle class</p>

<p>Approachability, friendliness of students on campus: Very. Just don’t ask someone who looks like they’re in a hurry and you’ll have no problem with approaching anyone to ask for something</p>

<p>Attractiveness of girls: As a guy, yes attractive. Anytime the sun is out (especially before winter break) girls go out on the IM field in bikinis to tan.</p>

<p>attractiveness of guys: I’d like to think that UMiami has an attractive male populous but I can’t really comment.</p>

<p>Promiscuousness of the students: Either the same or slightly higher than you would get at any university.</p>

<p>“Broiness.”: If Broiness is a big thing for you, then join a frat. That’s what they’re all about</p>

<p>Social life: Grove on thursdays, house parties on the weekends, tons of on campus clubs to join that hold events or parties.</p>

<p>Importance or lack there of, of Greek Life: Its there, especially for tailgating for football games as a freshman, they’re gonna be your main option. But honestly you can get involved with it, or not and it won’t make any difference. If it’s something you’re thinking about, even considering slightly, I would go out to rush events second semester. Its a good way to determine if its really for you.</p>

<p>Predominant religion: Atheist/Agnostic/Non-Practicing - As a more liberal college you’re going to get less practicing religious students.</p>

<p>Predominant political belief: Liberal</p>

<p>Five things you must do your first year: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1324429-um-bucket-list.html?highlight=things+to+do+before+you+graduate[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1324429-um-bucket-list.html?highlight=things+to+do+before+you+graduate&lt;/a&gt;
But my list would be

  1. Join a club and get really involved
  2. Go out for good cuban food
  3. Hang out by the lake after a party and just talk about life and such with friends
  4. Attend as many basketball/ football games as possible
  5. Learn who you really are. College is totally different than anything you have ever experienced. People always knew who you were and the things you have done, but college is a blank slate, take it as an opportunity to become the person you are, and the person you want to be</p>

<p>As a parent of a HS Junior whose first choice is UM, this was great to read. What a thoughtful response! I love your #5 ‘must’, and if you are representative of UM students I’m even happier that my son wants to go there.</p>