Honor Calculus Textbook?

<p>Hey guys, I’m sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can’t figure out which Calc 1 textbook to get. These are the options I see, and they all say choose one. I need to go all the way through Calculus 3 if that matters. Is there a difference between the Essential Calculus and the Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals?</p>

<p>Web Assign W/ Ebook
ISBN 0538738073
Choose One</p>

<p>Essential Cal W/ Webassign Stewart (Hardback Bundle)
ISBN 1133425941Edition 2
Choose One</p>

<p>Essential Calculus W/Webassign Stewart (Binder Ready Bundle) (Custom)
ISBN 1285041674Edition 2</p>

<p>Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals Stewart (Used Hardbook Only)
ISBN 1133112285
Choose One</p>

<p>Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals Stewart (Used Binder Ready)
ISBN 113388945X
Choose One</p>

<p>Others will chime in with further info and specifics, but this advice is for anyone:<br>
Part of these choices is up to you, once you know what ‘book’ to get! If you like to have the physical book in front of you and touch the pages, so to speak, like you did in high school, then you might not do well w/ an e-book, which you access solely online. If you aren’t organised enough to keep track of your loose pages in a binder of some sort (such as will come in a binder-ready bundle - it will be just the pages, no binder), then you need a hardbound book. :wink: The more elaborate bundles come with both a hard copy of pages (either in a book or looseleaf) AND the web access. I was under the impression that used books are great, but may not include the codes to access problems on the web. Caution is required for a book/bundle that is used over 3 courses. Class2012Mom will chime in soon, I’m sure! ;)</p>

<p>You may or may not need to physical textbook. Buy a used book if you need one and buy the multi-term web access code if you are planning to also take Calc II or higher. Cheaper that way. You will need to access code for sure. </p>

<p>We used essential calculus early transcendentals for my calculus courses at my previous university, although those were not honors courses. </p>

<p>I’m mostly wondering if I should get the essential calculus book or the essential calculus: early transcendental books</p>

<p>Also, does anyone know why the essential calculus books all come with Web assign but the early transcendentals books don’t? </p>

<p>Early Transcendentals doesn’t come with webassign, the other is the same book but with webassign.</p>

<p>Has anyone taken honors calculus 1 that can tell me what book they used?</p>

<p>Not sure if this is helpful, but my dd is taking honors Calc 3 this fall. She took Calc 1 and 2 locally while still in high school and used the “essentials” text for 1 and 2. She was also trying to decide whether to use the book she already had for Calc 3 or to by the “transcendentals” version. After looking at the TOC for both texts online she said they were VERY similar, just a few chapters in a different order towards the beginning of the text. She’s decided not to buy the other text for now. She’ll just buy the proper access code as a standalone. Her previous uni. didn’t use them for Calc.</p>

<p>As a reminder, while all calculus courses are required to teach the same material, not all instructors use webassign. </p>

<p>As a reminder, make sure your student knows it’’'s okay to ask questions about the material. Many students, especially new students, feel too embarrassed to ask questions when in reality many students might have the same question, but don’t want to be the one to raise their hand and ask.</p>

<p>If your student has Dr. Trace for math courses, note that his courses do not typically use webassign and that one might occasionally have to visit the library as Dr. Trace occasionally references textbooks printed in the 1970s and 1980s to show students alternative ways of solving a problem.</p>