Honors/Awards on VT's application?

<p>I am applying to Virginia Tech ED this fall. I have a few honors/awards I'd like them to know about when they're reviewing my application (e.g. National Merit Semi-Finalist, AP Scholar). However, I don't see a place on their application to list things like this. What should I do?</p>

<p>Hi planes,</p>

<p>My daughter just recently applied and she thought the same thing. Her dad and I suggested she put them in the “extracurricular activities/groups” area they have on the app. (I think that was what the section was called). It was kind of different not to have a specific section for awards. She didn’t want to leave anything out either, so she/we thought it wouldn’t hurt to put it in there given there wasn’t a more specific “awards” part. Hope this helps! Good luck with everything!</p>