Honors Biology on FLVS?

Hello, I am a Florida resident who really hates biology, but it is the one science required at my high school. I’ve already taken a bio course in middle school that was pretty comprehensive, so I understand the basics, but I still need that credit for high school. Does anyone know how honors biology is on FLVS? I’ve taken three and counting courses on there (HOPE, Geometry honors, and APCS) and hope to take AP Macro starting this January there as well. If I were to start Bio in May after AP exams, does anyone know if I’ll be able to complete it before August? Thanks!

@Shanban1607 My daughter took Honours Biology via FLVS and it took her almost the entire school year to finish. She was taking a full course load at school as well as an additional 2 courses with FLVS so that obviously impacted the time she had for the biology. However knowing the type of student she is and the amount of time it took her even if you were to do nothing but the biology over the summer I would be hesitant to think that it could be done in 3 months.
Unless they have changed their policy you would have two weeks to drop the class. In that amount of time you should be able to look through the course, complete some of the lessons and get a feel as to whether or not you would be able to complete the course in your desired time frame.