Honors EC 110

<p>I was looking at the 6 sections of Honors Microeconomics offered the fall. Currently there is already one closed and another that is almost closed. 3 out of the 4 sections left are taught by Paula Cordero-Salas. I know you can’t totally trust rate my professor but her ratings are HORRIBLE! I was wondering if anyone had taken her class before and could give the inside scoop. Are her bad ratings due to high expectations or tough grading or is really a bad professor?</p>

<p>A similar discussion took place on this board last year. I don’t have any feedback on her because, as luck would have it, someone else ended up teaching the sections she was originally slated for in Fall 2012. With those reviews, though, my D chose a non-honors section (but ending up getting AP credit and not taking EC110 at all). I can’t recall if last year’s thread included input from anyone who’d actually had her; you might want to search for it.</p>

<p>This is from last year’s thread. It was posted by a student, ReginaPhalange:</p>



<p>Thank you! That was going to be my next question, if I should take a non-honors section instead. </p>

<p>When I did my honors tour they took pride in having the best professors teach their departmental honors classes. So I’m very surprised to find that she teaches half of the honors Microeconomics classes if she really is that bad.</p>

<p>For Fall 2012, the students who signed up for the honors sections that were initially shown on MyBama as being taught by Cordero-Salas ended up with a different professor. I wouldn’t have risked getting her, though. If it was me, I’d take the non-honors section with a better professor. The professor is more important than the honors designation, IMO.</p>

<p>As for departmental honors classes getting the best profs - I don’t know. The only departmental honors class my D has taken was EN 103, for which she had an excellent professor. However, there are a lot of EN 103 teachers, some of whom I’ve heard are great and others, not so much (with not particularly good RMP ratings). RMP is not necessarily indicative of whether a prof is good or bad, but when I see a strong trend one way or the other, I pay attention.</p>

<p>beth’s mom - who did your D have for EN 103?</p>

<p>@lisa6191 - Sorry to interrupt… EN103 is a new course… S had Tamondong for Engr 142 last Fall. Feedback was that she is a unique individual but the course wasnt extremely difficult. Very easy to make an A/A+ as is the case with Engr 111, Engr 151, 171. None of these courses were very taxing according to S… key information was taught, no gotcha exams/quizzes… all seemed to have the purpose of providing a common skill set and exposure to basic Engineering concepts/processes.</p>

<p>^^^^RugbyDad, En103 is an Honors English course.</p>

<p>Having an EN 103 and an ENGR 103 is very confusing! :)</p>

<p>RugbyDad, thanks for the info on ENGR professors, since S has to take ENGR 103 also. No professors are listed for that course yet but we will keep an eye on it.</p>