Honors College Application

<p>After the essay it has a tab to upload a resume. Is this a high school resume? What should I put on it? </p>

<p>My kids uploaded a “high school resume” in a format their counselor recommended. Basically extra curricular stuff if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>Not sure if this HC resume thing is new or not…but for what it’s worth, every student, from about 10th grade onwards should have a resume put together for themselves, and have it updated at all times. Resumes are useful/used for many different reasons. A resume is used for job applications, sure, but also for college applications, scholarship applications, and club/society applications, job fairs, or any time someone wants to know what makes you stand out and why they should pick you over another candidate. Resumes should also be given to someone from whom you want a letter of recommendation or a letter of reference. My advice is to prepare an initial resume w/ absolutely everything on it, and then pare it down each time you have a new application, tailored to that purpose. </p>

<p>An application resume needs to be tailored to the purpose of the application. In this case, ask yourself why would the Honors College want to know more about you? Put down anything that is useful to highlight your personality, your achievements, and your aspirations. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a chronological bullet-pt document; it can probably be a bit more ‘chatty’ in nature (short sentences), to get your points across. </p>

<p>As you start to apply for jobs, be conscious that many large employers/HR depts now use computer-assisted key word searches to vet resumes from applicants, because more and more applications are handled on-line. You can be prepared by being able to produce a Word-type resume, a PDF version of that resume, and/or a plain-text version of the same resume, tailored very specifically to the job you are applying for. Good luck going forward! </p>

<p>Every student should keep 2 Word docs on file. One that they just keep a running list of updates, awards, achievements, etc. </p>

<p>The second one should be a working resume.</p>


<p>Name Address email contact info
GPA - perhaps include some of the harder courses taken (AP Calc, etc)
any scores</p>

significant ECs</p>

<p>^ #3…as usual, you say it better than me! TWO versions of a resume, yes, that’s what I meant to say in my non-succinct way. ;)</p>

<p>Somewhere on the page for the Honors application there are sample resumes. I just copied the one they had into a Word document for my son, and then he replaced the exemplar’s information with his own. </p>