Honors College/Chem E

<p>My daughter will be a freshman this fall. She is majoring in ChemE with possible Pre Med track. She is also in Honors College. Is there a benefit of staying in Honors College if she decides to go Pre Med? </p>

<p>Your biggest benefit will probably be priority registration. It is not difficult to stay in the Honors College throughout your time at UA. Go for it!</p>

<p>There are a number of benefits (especially priority registration!!) But, I think one benefit is this…if you get to know the Honors College Dean (Dr. Sharpe) or the ass’t Dean, then they are powerful people to write a LOR. </p>

<p>What negatives are you anticipating?</p>

<p>I didn’t know if the honors would be more in depth in terms of work load. My main concern is that she doesn’t get overloaded to the point that she can’t keep up and ends up with a lower GPA. She has never had to study much but I’m sure that’s all about to change. </p>

<p>She will have to study a lot for her regular classes. Her honors classes wont be the issue. Her ChemE and premed prereqs will require time and focus. </p>

<p>honors classes arent “more homework”. They are smaller, more discussion based. My kids never complained that the classes were more demanding. They never jeopardized their GPAs.</p>



<p>Well, you are right. That will need to change. A common thing that gets a premed off-track grade-wise is coming from a high school where he/she didnt have to study much…and then getting hit in the face with the realities of a challenging major and premed weeder classes.</p>

<p>As a premed ChemE student, she needs to be more concerned about balancing her schedule in regards to her science, math, and ChemE courses. That needs to be the concern. As you may already know, my son was a ChemE premed. Again, the honors classes were the least of the concern. </p>