Honors Core courses (UH) opennings

<p>Fall II courses are starting to open in 120 courses.</p>

<p>Also, there are some openings for full semester classes (I assume as students make final changes to schedules).</p>

<p>So if you did not get into a UH course and still want to add, go out on MyBama and do a Look Up .</p>

<p>Fall II courses actually don’t open up for registration until August 28th (thru September 26th). You can view them, just not register yet. </p>

<p>Ok - dumb freshman parent question - what’s Fall II? Are there some courses that don’t last the whole semester?</p>

<p>Correct. They start (usually) Sept 22 and run thru Dec 5. You can see what kind of courses are offered by using the “Look Up Courses” tab in mybama, then use the “Advanced Search” feature to look for any/all courses that are only term “Fall II” in the “part of term” attribute. You will find that there are a couple of on-line courses and then the UH 120 mini-seminars. This is a great way to pick up an additional UH120 class (1 credit hour), once a student gets settled into the semester and knows they can handle the extra course.</p>