Help Preparing Course Schedule

<p>Finally have time to work on this after high school graduation. Attending first BB session so feeling pressure to get this started. </p>

<p>We are having trouble finding the Fall 2013 course catalog and/or something that lists which professors and times for specific course sections. </p>

<p>Any information would be really appreciated.</p>

<p>Log into mybama, on the Academics tab page click on “look up classes”.</p>

<p>On the main page that opens on MyBama, look towards the top of the center column. It should have a “look up classes” link. Then go to Fall 2013.</p>

<p>Thank you! We are now one step closer! And do I understand correctly that more sections will open up the day of BB registration? Because there really aren’t many available daytime seats left of a class like Calc II.</p>

<p>Is your advice to “rate my professor” for several sections and then see what opens up?</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you.</p>

<p>Dont worry to much about getting the right sections or profs at Bama Bound. My son went to the last Honors Bama Bound last summer (early July) and changed almost every class after returning home…since you are going so early you have the whole summer to make changes…on the second day of each Bama Bound you can log on and see the “new seats” in different classes…at this point just get the right classes and ones that can be lived with and then work on improvements throughout the summer…better prof’s, better times, etc.<br>
Welcome and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks, we will take a deep breath! </p>

<p>Are there any recommended Honors College Courses for freshman that are offered in the fall?</p>



<p>It’s not likely that additional sections will open, but additional seats will probably open. I think the Calc II classes eventually had about 75 students; fewer seats than that were shown prior to the start of the Bama Bounds last year. You can look at the class sizes from Fall 2012 and compare to what’s shown for Fall 2013. If there’s a big difference, there will likely be additional seats opening up.</p>

<p>^^ SpaceCoastMom - Your student is Civil/CBHP, right? My advice on Honors courses is to look for the ones that will kill two or three birds with one stone by satisfying core curriculum attributes as well as reqs for your major. For example, if you need 6 credits of HI/SB, you might as well look for an honors class that satisfies that particular attribute: [Core</a> Curriculum ? General Studies Course Listing | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Core”> , and hopefully satisfies something else in your major.
Alternatively, you can view all honors classes here: [All</a> Courses | Honors College](<a href=“]All”></p>

<p>There are honors sections of many Freshman classes (classified as ‘Department Honors’ classes). These are usually calculus, chemistry, bio, psychology, economics, and english. It is well worth trying for these sections as they are often much smaller classes. Here’s a complete list of those: [Departmental</a> | Honors College](<a href=“]Departmental”></p>

<p>Depending on how many elective credits your student has 1st semester will dictate the kinds of Honors classes they can take after you fill in your core honors classes. They might only be able to fit in a 1-credit class (look for UH 120 HYO)…or you might be able to take a 3-credit seminar (e.g., UH 155). Here is a link to view descriptions of each honors course (you’ll need to click on various attribute links to the right on this page, e.g., Humanities, Social Behaviour, etc): [Honors</a> Courses | Honors College](<a href=“]Honors”> Unfortunately, there is no way to directly view descriptions of them all together…so happy hunting! Part of the joy of registration is having your student find what s/he is interested in! There is so much to choose from at UA.</p>

<p>The problem for my son is the 2013-2014 catalog still isn’t posted and his Degreeworks still lists classes according to the 2012-2013 Catalog. (eg, ENGR 131, 141, CS150 etc.)
Because he’ll hopefully be taking mostly sophomore classes and juggling to get EE classes this fall that are prereq’s for future long-sequence classes, even these small changes to the new catalog have a domino effect. When I called UA a couple of weeks ago all they said was that the 2013-2014 Catalog would be posted by the first bamabound and that Degreeworks would reflect the new catalog at the same time.</p>

<p>You might try emailing the dept head for the particular discipline and ask any pertinent questions. </p>

<p>Is your child scheduled for the first BB?</p>

<p>GAMom - I remember DW not being so helpful for S as a freshman - it never seemed to reflect things correctly until much later into the year. It won’t have AP credits, for a start, so, DW is not that great for BamaBound, in all honesty. The class flowcharts on the dept website might be more useful at this point? The degree reqs aren’t going to change, just ENGR 103 combines 3 smaller classes into 1. </p>

<p>Can you see the actual Fall 2013 schedule of classes on your S’s mybama account? If so, you can put together a schedule. Duck soup.</p>

<p>I was uber paranoid about DS attending Bama Bound himself and not taking the time before hand to review requirements vs AP credits. For my own peace, I paid the $15 to have AP exams prior to 2013 sent to Bama. In less than a week those AP credits showed on the Degree Works.</p>

<p>^^Sounds like it was money well spent for peace of mind.</p>

<p>Thanks everybody! I’m feeling better now. Found an EE 4 year plan that includes the ENGR 103 class so I assume all the other 2013-2014 catalog requirements are included as well.</p>

<p>Looks like they haven’t opened up any slots in the second CS150 Honors class (the other one is full.) Based on what previous posters have said, I’m assuming a few slots will open up each BB. Since one of the class times is Friday from 2-3 maybe there won’t be too many takers!</p>

<p>[Courses</a> - Freshman Engineering Program - The College of Engineering - UA](<a href=“Freshman Engineering Program – Students | The University of Alabama”>Freshman Engineering Program – Students | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>this has a link to the 13-14 catalog. Looks like all of the engineering curricula show the new freshman eng’g courses</p>

<p>Well, this is annoying to me. The Aero flowchart and the info accessed via the 2013-14 catalog for the aero curriculum STILL shows the ‘old’ 111+131+141+151 system. Every other branch of eng’g has been updated, but aero has not.</p>

<p>this looks like the updated chart to me. Am I missing something? </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes - Aero has been updated for a while. </p>

<p>Aeromom – There are multiple charts - The new one is for kids entering Fall 2013; the older ones list the year of initial Fall classes. Maybe you are somehow linked to see only the year your son entered? The only difference we found is ENGR 103 vs the 131,141, 151</p>

<p>Sorry, I was looking here: [Department</a> of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics < The University of Alabama](<a href=“CAS - Central Authentication Service”>CAS - Central Authentication Service)
This was from the link that NCUA95 posted (above on page 1 of this thread), so its from the 2013-14 CATALOG for Freshman Engineering Courses.
If you look at all the other branches, their curriculum in the CATALOG has been updated, but aero curriculum (in the CATALOG) has not. Yet.</p>

<p>Any other tips/hints for class registration? I already have a few possible schedules mapped out, just looking to avoid any potential hiccups when I’m at Bama Bound next week</p>