<p>I just finished my application for UF honors, and they tell me I have to pay 40 dollars for dues to the Student Honors Organization. Why am i paying if I don't even know if I am in yet? I don't even know if I am going to UF and they are milking me for hundreds of dollars.</p>
<p>Yeah, I thought the same thing. But the wording on the Print Confirmation made applying sound more like a formality than a competitive admission.</p>
<p>“Check your e-mail for a confirmation of your placement in the Honors Program”</p>
<p>I really want to get in honors. </p>
<p>At little off topic, but do you think sending a letter of recommendation would help in honors admission?</p>
<p>probably not. they didnt ask for one. so i wouldnt send one.</p>
<p>Yeah, they are milking everyone dry. Application fee, housing fee, honors fee. I can’t wait to be done with my “safety fees”</p>
Ryan, do not count on it being a slam dunk. My d knew a couple of people who waaay had the stats and didn’t get it. Take the application seriously and get it in right away if you seriously want in. Way more are qualified than they can admit, especially if you want Hume, in which case you must be in honors.</p>
<p>Yeah, I heard a lot of qualified people still didn’t get in. I’m also pretty admission is solely predicated on the application to the Honors college, as in they don’t factor in SAT and GPA.</p>
<p>I put Hume last on my housing preference, so I’m not concerned about that.</p>
<p>Oh well, I liked my essays a lot so lets hope they did as well. It is only a two-year program ; if I don’t get in it won’t be that big of a deal.</p>
<p>D may not even continue with honors this next year. She’s going to do honors in her major, and she really isn’t that involved in honors other than having taken two of her classes through them. She’s done with gen eds so if they don’t offer anything for fall that fits in her schedule, i.e. and upper level course she might take then she’s not continuing with the program. She only really joined because she wanted Hume initially but then decided to live off-campus her first year.</p>
<p>I agree with that, the Honors Program is totally pointless. I don’t know if I’ve been kicked out, but I havn’t done a single one of their absolutely pointless requirements. The only thing you get from them is some associates certificate from the honors program (read: nothing). </p>
<p>Hume is the only benefit.</p>
<p>Is Hume really that great? I have not heard many reasons for or against Hume, just partisan preference.</p>
<p>It would have been nice if they told us before the application due date that we had to postmark something by March 12th. I just finished the online application and it tells me that I need to postmark the confirmation(!) page by today. I’m really nervous that they won’t accept it. Should I be worried if I get it right in tomorrow?</p>
<p>If you need to postmark it by today then you need to postmark it by today.</p>
<p>I didn’t postmark it by the 12th. Should I just not apply, since I don’t want ot waste $40 if they’re not going to read my application?</p>
<p>Since it’s not going to be postmarked by the 12th, I would call them on monday and ask. Either way it’s going to be late, you might as well hear if they will accept it or not before you hand them a check.</p>
<p>You would hope that they wouldn’t cash the check if they were just going to reject you for it getting there late, but all you can do is hope.</p>
<p>They explicitly stated late applications and postmark dues wouldn’t be considered, as they have to reject many people who get there application in on time.</p>
<p>I would just save your money.</p>
<p>Hume is pretty much the least prison-like of any of the dorms. It’s the newest dorm on campus. The rooms are nice… for a UF dorm. The location sorta sucks (it’s like a 15-20 minute walk to most classes). You play Hume roulette with the possibility you’ll get lots of mad creepers living with you. </p>
<p>All the honors program has done for me is send an email every day. I still have no desire to take 4 extra classes that had nothing to do with my major. The only time I went to an honors advisor everything he told me made no sense or was just wrong; I’ll stick to the college advisors.</p>
<p>I didn’t even have to pay the application fee so I guess I didn’t lose anything by being in honors, but I find the program a total waste.</p>
<p>^^^ I wasn’t looking in to UF honors, but that’s exactly how I felt about the other honors programs I looked into at USF, FSU, etc.</p>
<p>What do you mean by “mad creepers”, bad roomates? weird dorm mates?</p>
<p>My floor had a few normal kids, and a bunch of really weird kids. I had a kid try to hit me cause I brushed against him. There’s was a really odd kid who would touch girls in the oddest way. As I’ve said in other threads, our suitemates didn’t take their garbage out the entire semester, it literally smelled of death (and they didn’t see a problem).</p>
<p>Some people had perfectly normal floormates and stuff. My roommate was a really cool dude. But that’s a disproportionate number of weird kids in Hume.</p>
<p>I know exactly what you mean, Zaersz. I think this may be the case in honors programs everywhere. I’m part of SG at my Community College, and a significant minority of the honors kids are just like that. Very immature, socially inept, terrible hygene problems, and there are always guys that you can’t leave alone with female students. Some of the guys in the program are unpredictably violent and have emotional problems, for example I witnessed one honors guy punch out another for throwing his pokemon doll. I would be uncomfortable rooming with those types of people. </p>
<p>Just sharing my experiences, and I don’t mean to judge anyone or imply in anyway that all honors students are like that. It’s just something that I’ve encountered in the Honors program at my college, and I had a similar experience at a USF honors preview last month. Just something to be aware of and judge on your own.</p>
<p>I lol’d XD</p>