Honors housing vs Women's Engineering

<p>I noticed that Lakeside East is Women Engineering, and West is Honors. My D will be an engineering major as well as Honors. Any thoughts on which she should chose? We just paid the deposit so we won’t get to choose until April 19th I think. We’re not completely sure she will be going as we haven’t heard from all the schools she’s applied to, but it will be hard to beat what UA has given her. </p>


<p>Personally, I would choose honors and this is why:</p>

<p>1) If you don’t choose honors now, then you can never be in honors later.</p>

<p>2) I’d be concerned that those eng’g students who chose to be in non-honors didn’t have the stats to be in honors and will likely change their majors.</p>

<p>3) Non-honors dorms can be more noisy.</p>

<p>4) The engineering living situation is just that. It’s not like the other Living-learning situations where the students take particular classes together. Instead it’s called an option because it only involves living together.</p>

<p>5) I don’t think it would be hard to find female engineering students to dorm with if that’s highly desired.</p>

<p>6) There is a Freshman Engineering Program that all frosh engineers take anyway…so those are opportunities for students to meet and make study friends.</p>

<p>7) There is a Womens Engineering club.</p>

<p>my daughter is in engineering and she lives in honors.</p>

<p>without the engineering living learning community she has found a core group of engineering friends in her classes. the work on thinks together and help each other out.</p>

<p>my daughter is also not very social, so if she can do it, most kids could.</p>

<p>the choice is yours, but given the choice, i would choose honors.</p>

<p>Personally, I think that Bama should move the Women’s Engineering Living option to Riverside and let honors and non-honors select it. </p>

<p>Too many kids start in eng’g and quickly get weeded out (like pre-med) when they struggle in Calc, Gen Chem, and other STEM classes. I would think that those in non-honors would be the most vulnerable.</p>

<p>When my son was a frosh, all 3 of his honors suitemates started as Eng’g majors. Within 18 months, only he and another remained in engineering. The other 2 changed majors.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your great responses! She’s thinking she will stick with the honors dorms now- maybe Riverside?</p>


<p>At this point, she might not want to select any particular honors hall. She might want to wait and see if she “meets” anyone on Facebook that she wants to dorm with.</p>

<p>M2CK- in terms of finding roommates on Facebook- my D isn’t really connecting with anyone on there. Many of the girls are rushing and D doesn’t want to room with girls rushing. They also seem to talk more about partying on the Facebook page- something D isn’t into. How important is it to find a roommate beforehand? She did post on the UA room mate finder, but hasn’t received any messages.</p>

<p>Not important to find roomies ahead of time.</p>

<p>As time goes on, more students will be posting. Right now, many kids haven’t decided on their schools yet.</p>

<p>My older son would go “potluck” for roomies and had very good luck.</p>

<p>My D doesn’t want to rush, though I wish she would. She feels that with honors and marching band, she’ll be able to meet plenty of people. We’ve tried to do the roommate finder, but it’s not working for us. The website said it’s updated every Monday and we just paid our deposit yesterday, so I hope we’ll be able to get into it this week. </p>

<p>How are the kids finding each other on Facebook? I know there is an admissions page, but is there another one she could go to? She’s not a “party” kind of girl, which is kind of her impression of sororities and one reason I think she doesn’t want to go that route.</p>

<p>I’m still looking for Honors Roommates! Hopeful Classics major. I am rushing, but I dont mind if my roomies aren’t. </p>

<p>As far as the FB page, I think its all about chatting one on one with the other kids if you really wanna get past all the partying and rushing statuses! I’ve met a few people that I really can’t wait to meet in August by doing that.</p>

<p>PM me and I’ll give you my roommate finder info so we can talk! : )</p>

<p>McKinna, my daughter is also in honors. She isn’t doing marching band but she plays the flute and was in her hs marching band. PM me if your daughter might want to room with mine and we can discuss personalities, dorm preference, major, etc. My D does have the 1st day and time slot for honors housing, so that’s a plus!</p>

<p>My daughter is having some of the same issues. Have your daughters look for her on roommate finder. Search for Samantha from Littleton, CO. </p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>Just from what I’ve seen in prior posts, I get the feeling there are a lot of engineering majors in Riverside. I know my S, and several others on here have Engineer students in Riverside West - honors. They’re all guys (that I know) and already there, so no roommate options there (not that any of them would turn her down, LOL). However, what a better source of help, they’ve already had the classes. </p>

<p>Along with the Women’s Engr. Club there’s also an Engineer Fraternity - Co-Ed - Theta Tau on campus. Being a “profession” based frat it seems to be more low key.</p>

<p>Speaking from experience I would not worry about not connecting with potential roommates just yet. M2k is right…may have not made final decisions so are not on Facebook or the Roommate finder. My DD went through several potential roommates before finally getting the real deal. Remember that although it helps to room with people who have similar likes and dislikes in all reality they don’t and perhaps won’t be “best friends”. When school starts everyone get busy with classes, clubs and activities. They will meet so many new friends that for many of your children they may just use their room/suite as a base to sleep and perhaps do some studying. Keep looking on Facebook…and Roommate finder…I promise y’all will find one.</p>

<p>@Sniner, is your daughter definitely attending? We (including my D) are in Highlands Ranch and are going to visit Bama next weekend.</p>

<p>We are 98% sure she will be BAMA bound. We visited in November, met with Dr. Sharpe, and were very impressed with everyone and everything. She is still in the running for the Medical Schors program at Saint Louis Univerdity, but I believe she will choose UA. </p>

<p>Is your daughter doing honors? Major? It’s great to see someone else from CO headed south. My daughter is excited to experience another part of the country where not everyone looks and acts exactly like her. </p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>Sniner, my D2 says the same thing about the FB page and roommate finder. You would think by looking there that everyone is a huge partier and rushing. This cannot possibly be the truth but is a little daunting when you view it. My D1 found this also to be true when she was looking for a roomie at another university. I think sometimes the kids say things to appear like everyone else. D2 did connect with some girls and is in conversation with them about being roomies. I did warn her based on what I read here not to get her heart set on a group of 4 as beds go quickly and they should have a contingency plan if they cannot find a full open 4 room.
Coincidently my older D was awarded Medical Scholars at SLU but ended up choosing another university based on speaking to current Medical Scholars in the program now. FWIW</p>

<p>Keep in mind that students posting on the Facebook page will likely overstate their partying and drinking habits in order to look “popular.” At this stage, you will see a lot of students who decided that they were attending UA a long time ago, possibly because they are set on rushing and hopeful pledging one of a specific list of UA fraternities/sororities. There are others, such as myself 3 years ago, who are/were open to the idea of rushing and possibly pledging, but won’t end up doing so. </p>

<p>It is perfectly okay to go random by choosing a room and seeing who chooses the other spaces. Looking at the Facebook profiles of potential roommates is highly encouraged in this case, with the caveat that not all high school seniors have a detailed Facebook and that the page will not give you complete insight into that person.</p>

<p>My first two roommates had posted on the Facebook page around the same time as myself. Sure there were some minor issues and we weren’t best friends, but things worked out. For the past two years, I’ve went random and haven’t had any major problems, so it can work out either way.</p>

<p>I highly recommend getting honors housing, especially if one intends on living on campus beyond their first year.</p>

<p>I still can’t get into the Roommate finder. I’ll have to call tomorrow to find out why. It’s not taking her user ID and password. It’s the same for the housing site as it is for the mybama site, isn’t it?</p>

<p>I think you have to register separately for roomfinder. I can’t quite remember how we did it but I know my son’s login info is different for rmf than for mybama.</p>