Honors Housing

<p>My DS’s will be living in Lakeside West and are also in the Honors College. What benefits or differences will they notice as opposed to an honors student living in Ridgecrest that is strictly categorized as honors only.</p>

<p>I would say little difference. Some prefer Lakeside’s proximity to the dining facility and an easy walk to Engineering Complex. A Lakeside student would have an easy walk but would have to leave their dorm for evening Honors Activities held at Ridgecrest. I would suspect there are other honors students living at Lakeside, but a majority of the students there are non-honors. </p>

<p>There are Honors students scattered all across campus, so if your son is in Lakeside, he will have a closer walk to Ridgecrest for Honors events than some of the other students for sure!</p>

<p>My oldest D lived in Lakeside last year (as a Junior). She wanted a single and none of the honors dorms have singles. She did not notice a difference.</p>