Lakeside vs ridgecrest?

<p>i was thinking either lakeside vs ridgecrest east/west, which is better for rooms/socializing/location from other buildings and whatnot??
thank you</p>

<p>maybe even ridgecrest south? (honors)</p>

<p>Lakeside East/West and Ridgecrest East/West are structurally very similar. Ridgecrest East/West are closer to the Ferguson center and the quad. Honors housing is located in the Ridgecrest residence halls. Ridgecrest South is has a different layout and has more spaces designed for group meetings.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that you’ll likely make friends who live in other residence halls or off campus. It’s entirely possible that your social life will primarily be outside of your residence hall and that your suite will be more of a place you go to relax, sleep, do homework, etc.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South has a meeting place downstairs between the 2 towers. Some clubs use those meeting spaces. My D has lived in 3 different dorm buildings. For her it really didn’t matter which dorm she was in. You can choose the one that is closer to your classes, closer to Publix and the strip, or the one that fits your budget. </p>