Honors Housing

<p>According to an e-mail from Housing, it looks like honors housing next year will be in Ridgecrest East, West, North and South. Looks like Lakeside and Riverside will no longer be honors housing. I’m not sure if that’ll result in a change in the amount of honors housing. Interesting.</p>

<p>That’s unfortunate. My S really likes the location of Riverside. Is there any off-campus housing near the engineering complex?</p>


<p>not really. Because of eng’g’s location (north side of campus and totally surrounded by campus land. Plus river to the north.), there really isn’t off-campus housing nearby.</p>

<p>I would wait and see about what ends up being honors. I find it hard to believe, unless Presidential will become honors. </p>

<p>Beth’s mom…can you copy/paste the email?</p>

<p>Looks like ALL of Ridgecrest South will be honors next year.</p>

<p>RTR…if your son chooses Ridgecrest South, that’s good for eng’g.</p>

<p>Here’s the relevant part:</p>



<p>So all of Ridgecrest South…and Ridgecrest East will now be honors. Ridgecrest East and RS-south tower weren’t honors before.</p>

<p>Will this increase or decrease the total number of honors suites?</p>

<p>I’m interpreting this as informing students that all of the Ridgecrests will be honors housing, but that more honors residence halls will be announced at a later date. If it turns out that only the Ridgecrests will be Honors Housing, the rumor that students housing will no longer be guaranteed recontracting (provided they meet recontracting deadlines) seems to be more likely to become reality. I’d appreciate UAHousing officially announcing whether honors students in honors housing will be guaranteed on campus housing if they meet recontracting deadlines.</p>


<p>That’s also how I interpreted it. That part of Riverside or Lakeside or even Presidential may be honors and announced later depending on demand, but that all of Ridgecrest will definitely be honors. So, I interpreted more of an announcement to non-honors students currently in Ridgecrest that they will definitely not be able to have the same room for next year.</p>

<p>Will this increase or decrease the total number of honors suites?</p>

<p>I don’t know if we know how many beds are involved with the change.</p>



<p>I e-mailed housing a little over a week ago and was told that at this time they cannot guarantee that non-housing scholarship students in honors housing will be able to remain on campus, even if all recontracting deadlines are met. The response also said that they’re still looking at their space and refining their policies, but will have their policies set within the next several weeks.</p>

<p>What is the downside to being an honors student living in a non honors dorm? S likes Riverside…would he lose his housing scholarship if he chose a non honors dorm?</p>

<p>If all honors housing will be in just 1 location, I think that is a shame. Honors students are from a variety of majors and spreading them out around campus is better, in my opinion.</p>

<p>Well, the honors halls never were spread out around the campus. They’ve always been on the north side of campus. </p>

<p>The soon-to-be former honors bldg on the Northeast side (Riverside East) is probably not much closer to the SEC (for STEM majors) than Ridgecrest East. The other majors aren’t really affected by the change.</p>

<p>Look here…you’ll see that Ridgecrest East is about the same distance to the SEC as Riverside East…
[Full</a> Campus Map - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>According to the viewbook available on UAs site and other recent articles, approximately 1 in 4 freshman (25%) are enrolled in the honor’s college.</p>

<p>Also most (if not all) of the upperclassmen who have housing scholarships and will be guaranteed on campus housing are in the honors college. </p>

<p>While not all those student will choose to live in honors housing (some girls will choose Tut, etc), Housing should make an effort to make honor’s housing available to the majority of those who want it.</p>

<p>With more than 25% of students being eligible for honors housing, personally I don’t think that only a single dorm is going to be designated as honors. Even if none of the current honors students without housing scholarships stay on campus, that doesn’t seem to be enough rooms to provide honors housing for all those eligible in the incoming class.</p>

<p>only a single dorm</p>

<p>I don’t think only a single dorm is being designated as honors.</p>

<p>The honors halls will be:</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South - North and South Towers (these two combine with 966 beds)
Ridgecrest West
Ridgecrest East.</p>

<p>The incoming frosh class would have about 1500 honors frosh. There’s enough beds for all of those. That said, a number of those honors frosh don’t choose honors housing, and some are also Ttown commuters.</p>

<p>Also, some honors frosh are in Blount Hall.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that those in honors that don’t hold full or 2/3 tuition scholarships may not always want to budget for the pricier honors dorms. those with an ACT 28 or 29 qualify for honors, but their scholarships are not big.</p>

<p>the school certainly has models that guide them as to how many honors frosh actually choose honors housing.</p>

<p>This change means that honors students won’t be able to choose a single room. If I remember correctly, the Ridgecrest communities only have doubles and quads. The singles are in Riverside and Lakeside. </p>

<p>My daughter is disappointed with this since she was thinking about trying for a single next year. Guess she’ll need to find a roommate willing to pay the upgrade for a double.</p>

<p>you might contact Housing about that. </p>

<p>If I remember correctly, the singles go to those with medical issues and sometimes RAs …they’re not usually available for those who just want a single.</p>

<p>I think that if there are enough after the medical and RA uses, they can get one. D has a friend that is a NMF senior who is living in one for his second (or third?) year. </p>

<p>Not a biggie, but something to think about.</p>

<p>BamaMomof3, you should have your daughter go look at one of those rooms before she commits. I saw a double in RCS-N when I was at orientation and to me it was claustrophobic.</p>