Honors housing

I’ve searched the threads and not been able to find his answer so please forgive me if I am asking a stupid question.

DD finally just committed to UA and wants Honors Housing. She hasn’t heard officially from Honors so I gather she still can’t ask for Honors housing. Anyway, once she does apply I have gathered from other threads that she will not get her choice of dorms since she is so late, but will she at least be guaranteed a Honors Dorm (or floor)?

Finally, how long does the average Honors student stay in the dorms? Is there a good mix of freshmen, and upperclassmen?

No, she will not be guaranteed an honor’s dorm, but with about 20% of the students at UA being honors students, there are honor’s students in every dorm. If she definitely wants honor’s then her best bet is to use the roommate finder on the housing site or the various facebook pages for entering freshman and locate a potential roommate with an earlier selection time. When they choose they can ‘pull her into the room’ even though she has a later time.

I think, especially in honors you will find most students in the dorms are freshman. From what I’ve seen this year all sophomores who wanted to remain on campus were able to do so, so there will be some sophomores on campus. Since they eliminated the housing scholarship, the number of juniors or seniors who stay on campus is dropping, but there are a lot of primarily student occupied apartments within 1-2 miles of campus with a variety of amenities and for a variety of budgets.

Actually unless this has changed, she can’t be pulled in until she is accepted to the HC and her status changes to reflect her acceptance. She WILL be accepted as long as she has the stats, so I would recommend checking with the HC several days before room selection if she is able to find a roommate who is willing to pull her in. it normally doesn’t take long to be accepted. In the past there has been a line on Mybama indicating if the student was eligible for honors housing. It’s checked yes or no based upon whether a student had been accepted to the HC. I’m assuming this still exists, so you’ll want to make sure she is accepted before a potential roommate’s room selection in order for it to be successful.

Hi, TV4caster, Check you e-mail. My daughter’s group still need one more room mate at honor’s dorm. Contact them to see if your daughter like to join them.

Isn’t there a deadline to confirm roommates? I’m thinking I read somewhere that it was tomorrow maybe? I could be wrong, tho.

your D can call the HC and ask them if someone can expedite her app…seriously, someone could process it while she’d on the phone with them.

Call and ask for one of these people…
Honors Recruitment

Susan Alley
270 Nott Hall
205-348-5599 <====

Kayla Fields

If you mention that D needs to get “pulled into” honors housing and needs to get into the HC, they probably will process her app in real time.

My daughter told me that they need decide the room mates by tomorrow night (I am not sure if that is the deadline). I

Yes, all roommates need to be finalized by tomorrow at 5pm CST. After that, students will not be able to send or confirm requests.

Hope this helps,