Honors housing?

Hi, so for my first year at Alabama I really feel as if I should be directly in the honors community by living in honors housing. I’ve seen so much variety on the internet that it’s a best confusing so I just have a few questions to ask.

  1. What are all the honors housing buildings?
  2. Are any of the buildings for business/finance majors and close to the college of business?
  3. How expensive are some of the buildings and rooms? Like for example a 4 bedroom suite versus a 2 bedroom room
    Thank you very much

If you go to housing on the web, click on each building and it will tell you what learning community lives there. There will also be breakdown of prices and pics of traditional and suites.


All of the Ridgecrest halls are honors

here is the rate sheet

Here is an interactive map to help you see building locations in relation to each other: http://tour.ua.edu/map/ . The entire campus is walk-able, often with back-to-back classes.

  1. Ridgecrest South. Ridgcrest East. Ridgecrest West. All are suite style. All are clumped closely together. There is a parking garage under Ridgecrest South–there are always empty spaces there. Gold 2 bus stops inbetween the Ridgecrests at regular time intervals (15-30 min).
    2)not that I know of. Ridgecrest is about a 10-15 min walk to the buildings in which business classes are normally held. Buses are unpredictable so if you take the bus, make sure you know the routes and give yourself extra time.
    3)Ridgecrest is all suite style, all three buildings. East and West are mirror opposites so they’re the same. I believe it’s $4000 something per semester. Ridgecrest South is either $3000 something or $5000 something per semester. You can google it real easy. Type in “Ridgecrest South Univ Alabama Dorm cost per semester”
    I don’t know about 2 bed rooms. Suite styles are all 4 bed 2 bath half kitchen and living area type rooms. 2 bed rooms like Tutwiler and Paty are normally in the older buildings. They’re less expensive, but there are no honors dorms with 2 beds to a room.

4 - Last paragraph is incorrect. This year, there ARE Honors floors/areas in Paty (all male) and Blount (2 beds to a room, 4 person suites, dorm is co-ed). Less expensive than Ridgecrest.

It is best to check the UA Housing website, because the residence halls do change designation from Honor to non-Honors or vice-versa from time to time.

Just wanted to say there are a few suite style rooms in Ridgecrest South that are for 2 people only. They have a small kitchenette and common living room area. But the vast majority in all of the Ridgecrest buildings are 4 person suites. My daughter lives there and she really likes it.

Sorry just a little more info to add… the 4 person suite is $4400 per semester this year.

Also I think the 4 person suite is a good idea for freshman socially…because you get to know 3 people at the school immediately, and there is a good chance that at least one of them will become a friend whom you might want to room with again in the future years. Also, having her own room has been helpful for studying and a good nights’ sleep!

However, Ridgecrest is very quiet in the hallways and it isn’t super easy to meet others there unless you happen to be on a floor where the RA plans a lot of social activities, or if you are willing to knock on doors and invite your neighbors to hang out! It is mostly the feel of an apartment building to me.

The dorm closest to the business school is Friedman. It’s a traditional dorm, it is not an honors dorm, and it’s limited to business majors. I think there’s a business living learning community there, also.

I’m a current student in RC. If I’m being honest, I would live in presidential probably, but it does get loud there. RCS is very nice, but some areas are more social than others. RC, pres, lakeside, riverside, etc, aren’t too bad of a walk. No matter where you are, it’s going to take about 10-15 minutes to get to your classes! Don’t get too caught up in honors vs non-honors. You’re going to be taking honors and non honors classes, so it’s always good to meet new people from both.