Honors program + a "C" in AB calc? PLEASE chance?

<p>NOT applying for engineering, just to get that out of the way (most likely psych.)</p>

<p>I got an invite to honors today, and obviously that's a strong correlation of being accepted to the school. But with my course load this semester I got a "C" in AB calculus. The rest are B's or higher (AP Lit- B, AP Spanish- B, AP Govt- A, Geosystems- A, Drama- A, Tech Theater- A), but are these grades going to prevent me from getting into VIRGINIA TECH the school (NOT the honors.)
I just want to know if I shouldn't get my hopes up since they haven't seen the C yet... Has anyone you know ever gotten an invite to honors but been rejected from the school entirely because of a 1st semester C?</p>

I am a white female at a NOVA HS.
SAT 2210
Critical Reading 680
Math 780<br>
Writing 750 </p>

<p>GPA: 4.065 W</p>

<p>AP's: AP Lang, AP US History
Honors: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Precalc, Biology, Chemistry. Also Pre-AP Eng. 9 & 10, Pre-AP World History I & II.</p>

<p>NHS since 10th grade, Math Honor Society since 10th grade, International Thespian Society since 10th grade
1 year Freshman Field Hockey, 1 year JV Field Hockey, and Multiple Plays/Musicals with the Drama Department all 4 years.</p>

<p>I'm secretary of the Thespian Society.</p>

<p>I have about 40 hours with NHS and 40 hours with the Math Honor Society. (community service)</p>

<p>No worry. It shouldn’t make a difference.</p>