Honors Program, anyone?

<p>The only reason I got in was because of the essay. My other stats were not remarkable. I applied before early decision, but I'm barely in the top 15% of my class, and I'm kind of worried they might rescind the acceptance for the grades I'm getting now. But whatever. I haven't even replied yet. College is for douchebags. I'm starting a commune in Oregon; we're just going to burn things and drink a lot of alcohol, or maybe ritually kill some people.</p>

<p>I guess if UW wants intellectual diversity in their freshman class they did a good job picking me. But I don't know if this was the kind of diversity they were looking for. Actually I don't think they have any idea what they're unleashing upon the Honors program.</p>

<p>Ok, so as for the awards/ECs cover sheet - do you have to write a paragraph about your 5 most important ECs?</p>

<p>I was accepted to the Honors program.</p>

<p>I had my regular application sent by early November, and got my acceptance letter on December 2nd. I was accepted into the Honors program on February 5th. </p>

<p>I don't plan on attending, though - I don't want to stay in-state.</p>

<p>Stats for those who care, since people seem to:
SAT: 1400
ACT: 34
SAT II: Math IC 670, US History 720, Writing 780
GPA: 3.8 unweighted
Took all honors and AP classes offered (except for this year, when I opted out of AP math and science. I'm taking two AP tests for humanities classes not offered at my school, though).</p>

<p>Oh yes, and the essay. I wrote mine on the one where you picked four countries to visit by yourself, where you can't speak the language. That was hard for me, because I speak Spanish fairly well, and couldn't pick any Spanish-speaking countries.</p>

<p>I didn't even think it was well-written. I wasn't planning on getting in/going to the Honors program, so I did it quickly one night to get it over with. It didn't even have an introduction or conclusion - just the four paragraphs. Strange.</p>

<p>Who knows; maybe they were short on honors applicants??</p>

<p>I never got my response from them back, I don't know what this means but it sucks because now im registering at two schools because i;m not sure if i want to go without the honor's program</p>