Honors Program Essay

The essay for the honor programs is as follows:

To what fictional character do you most relate, and why? You may select a character from animation, art, film, literature, television, theater or any other medium (350-500 words).

Any ideas for what fictional character I should pick?? I have been thinking about this for weeks now and am unable to find a character that fits well. I don’t want a typical character like Superman or a superhero, but rather a character that seems unexpected which I can turn around into something with a deep meaning.

Any ideas at all will help!! What do you think they are looking for in this essay?

I would say don’t worry about a deep meaning. In my opinion, they are just looking at this as a way to learn about you as a person. The character should really be just a starting point from which to talk about yourself.

ugh, awful question. Painful to write and i bet even more painful for them to read! haha. I actually think it was a huge mistake on their part. Its going to cut down on the number of people who apply to honors and maybe OSU as a whole.

D2 breezed through it using a TV commercial character she related to. Its an opportunity to talk about yourself and show something different to the school - say humor, compassion, or drive. It’s not necessary to try to impress them with deep literary analysis.