Honors reqs?

<p>I was just looking at the honors admissions site and it says you have to have at least a 3.9 weighted FSU GPA to be accepted. Can someone explain to me what this means? I know my weighted and unweighted cumulative gpa but I'm not sure how FSU calculates it, whether they just count certain core courses (what would those be exactly?) and if their weighted is the same thing as it is here, where A in honors classes=5pts, B=4, C=3, etc. Thanks a lot :)
Also- it says high school GPA. I'm doing dual enrollment my junior and senior year and the majority of my classes will be at the community college, counting for both my AA and high school diploma. Would those classes not count!?</p>

<p><a href=“http://cyberguidance.net/college/recalgpa.pdf[/url]”>http://cyberguidance.net/college/recalgpa.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
How to calculate your FSU GPA.</p>

<p>DE classes have the weight of honors, but soon will have the weight of AP. Right now I believe they are counted as honors, and for the high school class that began as freshman in 2007 they are counted as AP weighted. through out the state of Florida. </p>

<p>Personally, I think they should be weighted now as AP.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks a lot. I don’t think I can really calculate what my FSU weighted GPA would be now since I only have 3 semesters worth of credits, but I’m glad that core courses include foreign language and DE’s are weighted :D</p>


<p>Is it feasible for one to successfully petition into honors with a 3.6 FSU GPA and a 1960 SAT?</p>

<p>cant hurt.</p>

<p>S was admittedto honors but has elected to go to school elswhere.</p>

<p>jdjaguar, would you mind posting you S’s stats?</p>

<p>I got into honors.</p>

<p>4.0 UW GPA & 4.7 W GPA
32 ACT
-Had a job for 2 years
-President of Latin Club
-Senior Class Treasurer
-150 community service hours
-Prom Director for 2 years
-Latin Academic Olympics Champion
-National Honor Society/National Latin Honor Society/Mu Alpha Theta
-lots of departmental awards
-a few bigger awards
-I’m probably missing a few things but oh well</p>

<p>when did you hear about honors. The website said something about 2 weeks after admission I think.</p>

<p>Yes, it was about 2 weeks after I was admitted.</p>

<p>Except I got admitted during the December 3rd round.</p>

<p>ah, got it. Have you heard of any merit selections yet? I know financial aid doesn’t come out until later (this week I think), but hadn’t heard about any merit awards.</p>

<p>Check your main application page. It should say if you received the freshman university scholarship or not.</p>

<p>Hilsa, I hope you decide to attend Florida State. You could go elsewhere for grad school. ;)</p>

<p>Admission by Petition
Students who are accepted into FSU but who do not receive a letter of invitation may petition for admission to the Honors Program by submitting a petition portfolio. Successful applicants generally meet at least TWO of the following three requirements, though meeting these requirements alone does not guarantee admission: </p>

<p>1-A 3.7 or higher FSU-weighted high school GPA (Contact Admissions to find out your weighted FSU GPA)
2- A qualifying test score, which may be either 1850 on the SAT (combined critical reading, math, writing) or 28 on the ACT
3- Class rank in the top ten percent of their high school graduating class</p>