Honors Tour Schedule

<p>We are currently en route to Tuscaloosa and we are scheduled for the Honors Tour tomorrow. Allison said she would email me the final schedule. I still haven’t received anything. Is this normal? I have called and emailed. I am getting so nervous!</p>

<p>Our tour was this past Monday and I just looked to see and Allison had sent our schedule at 10:15 on Friday morning. If you don’t get a schedule from her, I would show up at her office- Nott Hall - Honors College is on the second floor and they opened on Friday at 8 AM. There is parking right behind Nott Hall- get into it from Hackberry Lane. Park and go inside and get a parking pass that will keep you from getting a ticket. I will check these messages again tonight and first thing tomorrow to see if you have posted any questions that I have the answer to. Good luck and I bet you will have the schedule- just maybe a glitch in the email.</p>

<p>Leave voice mail messages and emails for both Allison and Susan…just to make sure. (I think these gals may need a 3rd person, they are worked like mules!!)</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:allison.verhine@ua.edu”>allison.verhine@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:susan.alley@ua.edu”>susan.alley@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>When my D visited her schedule was emailed to me after she and H had left for Tuscaloosa (the evening before the visit). They got a copy when they went to Nott Hall.</p>

<p>Thank you all so much! I just got the email. My OCD did not enjoy not knowing where we were headed tomorrow. We won’t likely arrive at our hotel until nearly 1 am and I was afraid I wouldn’t get the details. I still can’t open all of the attachments on my phone. I am praying the hotel has a 24 HR business center! Thanks again. My helicopter parenting is on high right now.</p>

<p>Hope you have a great time tomorrow. RTR!!</p>

<p>Momof3: if you can’t open it and know what time it starts, just go to Nott Hall then. They will give you a copy of the schedule in the folder that they give you with the map. Enjoy the day!</p>