Honors week

<p>What does honors week entail at Bama? We have a daughter on the President’s list and in them STEM program. Do they do anything for freshman if they are on the President list both semesters, or is it more for upper classism?</p>

<p>Honors Week is for …</p>

<p>Dept majors give out awards</p>

<p>certain honor clubs to “tap” new members and give awards</p>

<p>CBH gives awards</p>

<p>etc, etc. </p>

<p>Friday is usually the big day for awards…no classes that day.</p>

<p>It can be “hit or miss” as to whether a frosh will get an award. Older son did get an award frosh year, younger son didn’t.</p>

<p>A student can be a straight A student and not get an award. Younger son has gotten very few awards, while older son seemed to reel 'em in. Yet, both are straight A students. So, unpredictable. </p>

<p>No, there isn’t an award for getting Presidential honor roll for 2 semesters. Honors week is in April, so grades aren’t known at that time.</p>

<p>Hey, how do we find out about the President’s list? Dd had over a 4.0. This her first semester so does that mean she will be on this list? Still trying to learn the ropes here as a new parent of a UA student and also a new resident of Alabama.</p>

<p>Militarymom your child will be on the President’s List if she has a 4.0! Congrats! I think it was Feb. last year before the list was posted…</p>

<p>Many times, a particular department or honor society will send the student’s parents an invitation to Honors Day if he or she is to receive an award. The past two years, my son received various honors, so we got invitations. We were unable to attend.</p>

<p>Has anyone been to Honors Week (as a parent) since 2011!? Fill us in if you have additional info to share…</p>

<p>Yes, if your student wins an award, you will get an invitation to attend the awards ceremony, however for OOS parents this can be tough. The end of the semester is just a few weeks away and arranging time off from work and finding cost effective transportation can be difficult on such short notice. I think we were notified only one week out from the honors award date so flights were exorbitantly high with such short notice. I wish that they could have notified us sooner, but I understand that the selection process takes time.</p>

<p>My S received one of the Freshman Engineering awards at Honor’s Day last year. He was notified by email about it but we (the parents) never received any notification or invitation to attend. He didn’t believe there were many parents in attendance and did not feel like it was a big deal. </p>

<p>I think they did the awards in Engineering different this past year than in previous years. Each department was responsible for having their own awards ceremony rather than being done as a group.</p>

<p>What goes on each day during honors week? Are there university-wide events that all students must/should go to? Could anyone give a more detailed breakdown of what goes on Friday, with classes cancelled? Is it pretty much a free day for students not receiving awards? Thanks! Sorry for all the questions! :)</p>

<p>Classes are cancelled the Friday of Honors Week. UA is still open, though some departmental/college offices may close during their ceremony. Attendance at the ceremonies is completely optional and those in attendance are often receiving awards, guests of those receiving awards, faculty, or staff. Many departments have a reception afterwards with heavy hors d’oeurves (enough food for a meal without calling it a meal). One very large department was known for self-catering a BBQ dinner for award recipients and their families and hosting the dinner in a professor’s backyard. </p>

<p>Due to the delayed notification of awards, parents of award recipients typically do not attend the ceremonies unless they live nearby or are already planning to be in the area. </p>

<p>To answer the OP’s question, while there are a few awards for freshman, most awards are for juniors and seniors. Some departments/colleges do not have a special ceremony for freshman awards, especially if there are a large number of recipients. It’s also worth noting that students aren’t typically taking many courses in their major department freshman year. Students entering with lots of credits can be eligible for non-freshman awards in some cases.</p>