
<p>Ive already been accepted into IUB and should be direct admit into Kelley, 29 ACT 4.0. I know Kelley is supposed to come later but I was under the impression that honors invites went out with the acceptance packet. I looked on the website and their wasnt any exact numbers for the students they invite and was wondering if it comes later or I should petition. I dont necessarily care about being in Honors but the 1k-4k scholarship that comes with it would really be nice. I am already retaking the ACT and taking the SAT in December to try to get that 30 or 1310 for 9000 a year instead of 5000. I figure if I accomplish this I should be worth looking at for Honors.</p>

<p>So anyways, should I have been invited already if I was actually invited or do I still have a chance without having to petition?</p>

<p>The Honors College website indicates that the invitation to Honors College comes with the acceptance packet. You may self-nominate if you did not receive an invitation. Details are on IU’s website.</p>

<p>Hutton Honors College I think does not any longer have explicit standards for getting into Hutton. A few years ago for automatic invitation it was “a combined SAT score of 1350 or above (or an ACT composite score of 31 or more) OR a class rank in the top 5 percent of his or her graduating class.” [News:</a> 2003-04](<a href=“http://www.indiana.edu/~iubhonor/news/index03-04.php]News:”>http://www.indiana.edu/~iubhonor/news/index03-04.php)</p>

<p>When they send you an invitation today, the top of your application has your standardized test scores, numerical class rank and percentage, and weighted and unweighted gpa-- information which is passed from the admissions office to Hutton. So I think those older, published minimums are probably still used for the automatic invitation. If you have some outstanding characteristics without the numerical minimums, I would not hesitate to petition. </p>

<p>Your SAT and ACT probably were not high enough to get the invitation. You can still petition, and an SAT of 1350 and ACT of 31 in December would probably get you in automatically. The “invitation to apply” is really tantamount to acceptance, if you just let them know that you want in. You don’t even have to do the essays, etc. that are part of the application process if you let them know you want in. The essays are for scholarships, etc., and these days you would probably need higher than a 1350 SAT or 31 ACT to get even a $1,000 scholarship, particularly since you won’t get your next SAT or ACT to IU until late December at the earliest. By then, most of the money will probably be gone. My son was 1350 SAT and top 4% of class but did not apply until mid-January because IU lost his transcripts and he was not offered any Hutton scholarship money. Even without the scholarship money, Hutton is a good deal, as it gives you lots of opportunities to take small, interesting classes that can be applied to Kelley’s liberal arts education requirements. You can even take honors Kelley pre-requisites that are not open to Kelley direct admits unless they are also in Hutton, classes like honors microeconomics and macroeconomics, which are not too demanding depending on which professors you take. Also, many of the honors seminars have easy grading and fulfill liberal arts distribution requirements for Kelley.</p>

<p>So I would petition in your situation, but you might want to wait for higher test scores in December. IU will accept higher SAT/ACT scores until February 1, so December is the last test period for which you can get scores to IU easily by the February 1 deadline.</p>

<p>Thanks bthomp, very useful information.</p>