Hopes for a Future Hotelie

<p>I really really REALLY want to go to the Cornell to major in Hotel Administration / Hospitality. Right now I am a sophomore at a highly competitive high school. Just wondering if I am on track for getting in and what I should do to improve my chances. </p>

<p>4.2 Weighted GPA after freshman year, around a 4.3 this year.
Wondering if it would be ok to not take honors trig and apush next year, and instead take a regular class where i can get an A than really killing myself in those two classes along with my other course load of: Spanish H, Latin H, AP Bio, English H. Would it be a big difference if I took regular trig and us history but got a good grade in it?</p>

<p>I am starting to work at a local Holiday Inn. Next year plan on joining the Future Business Leaders of America club. Editor for school newspaper. 3 varsity sports.</p>

<p>SAT II in Bio: 660 -- Plan to retake and get a 700+ after AP Bio</p>

<p>Let me know if my class choices are alright for Cornell and any other suggestions. Thank you!</p>

<p>anyone have a response?
pleasee :)</p>

<p>You are a sophomore. Relax. Come back in a year.</p>

<p>the best thing anyone can say to you at this time, is to stay involved in your EC's, keep that awesome GPA up, and do well on your SATs.</p>

<p>I honestly don't think the reg pre-cal & reg history would make that much of a difference. </p>

<p>Like what MHS said, relax! Chill out a bit instead of doing everything/taking every class for college. I realize that you might not listen to this right now, but seriously, take some time and have fun. Colleges want someone who knows how to relax and be socially capable as well. Definitely keep your grades up, but knows when to stop. Your courseload is heavy enough. Choose what you think is the best for you.</p>

<p>Also, HS is a time of your life. It maybe determines some of your future, but definitely not all, if any. I go to a "nerd-school" where almost EVERYONE joins clubs, plays sports, edit the newspaper solely "to get into ___ college". You might not realize this, but somehow this whole process demoralizes human beings. We lose our senses of passion, our love for others, and our selflessness. </p>

<p>Sorry for the lecture. I just wanna point it out so you don't go crazy by the time you're like.. 18.</p>

<p>so you really think i can drop down in those two classes and be ok?
Because that would be really nice to relax a bit in those two classes and a great way to boost my GPA.</p>

<p>And yes, I know everyone has been telling me to relax in all these classes and I agree which is why I want to drop down. And its not like school is all I do, I play sports, tons of clubs, and you can almost always find me hanging out with friends on Fridays and weekends.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone who answered!</p>

<p>well, I can't make that decision for you.</p>

<p>I think it's best to go with what you truly want. According to everything you've said, I would suggest you just drop them. If you can choose one, I would suggest you take precal/trig H. I'm a big math freak, so yea. xD</p>

<p>Esp since you're going into business-related (since Hotel is still considered hospitality business), at least reconsider before dropping outta honors math. APUSH, however, (this is SOLELY my opinion) is what I believe one of the most pointless classes ever. I took it last year and I still continue to regret it. Not only did it lower my GPA, but I spent so much time studying for stupid dates and people that really will not show up again in my life... EVER. Reg USH will give you the same info that you'll need without pointless DBQs and superbly difficult tests. Of course, I don't know.. in my school, APUSH is one of the hardest APs. Maybe it's different at yours. If you wanna do business or hotel, don't take APUSH. Cornell might want you to have an excellent background in math though, since you do at least need some math in order to succeed. However, I wouldn't push you into taking TrigH since you really don't need Trig in business. (But then again, you don't really need calculus either, they still make you take it. -.-)</p>

<p>BEST OF luck with your selections!! (:</p>

<p>I say follow your heart and don't worry so much about college. I'm a senior who has no idea what I want to do with my life so I took all the AP's so I'd have a broad education. Now I know I can cross out government from my interests. I wish I'd never taken that AP class. Since you already know you want to go into the business field, you don't have to worry about history or science as much. Don't take classes that will just make you miserable just to get in to Cornell. Take what you like, I think colleges will appreciate you following your interests, especially with your EC's.</p>

<p>You're going to have to take a Math SATII (the only SATII the Hotel School requires) so...I'm thinking a math course to them is probably more important than an advanced history course.</p>

<p>Are you planning to work next year? If so, put that into account as well.</p>

<p>Yes I am planning to work this year and next, but I am only going to do it on weekends because with sports it is impossible to work during the week.</p>

<p>So I really think I am not going to take APUSH. Besides what you guys are telling me, a lot of my junior friends who take this complain about it almost everyday and I really don't want to put that much time into history.</p>

<p>exactly. (:</p>

<p>APUSH = boring and complain. :D</p>

You're going to have to take a Math SATII (the only SATII the Hotel School requires) so...I'm thinking a math course to them is probably more important than an advanced history course.


<p>I agree with him/her. Honors Trig class really helps you out on SAT tests. (at least it did for me.. w/o Precal/Trg, I woulda never passed 700+ on that test, let alone getting a 800 which i did get)</p>

<p>However, if you think TrigH is hard.. or that you can get prepared well enough with regular, then by all means, go right ahead and take regular to take some load off of yourself.</p>

<p>Yeah I think I am going to do Trig H. I mean if things don't go well I can always drop down during first quarter. </p>

<p>Wow an 800, that's amazing!</p>

<p>I'm just going to talk to my counsler and teachers about history some more before I make a final decision. Reading the Cornell website, it looks like they really care about how much outside of work experience you've had in the hospitality industry - i.e. even if a kid has perfect grades but then a kid who has pretty good grades but yet has already had experience in their chosen career path - the second is better.
Hopefully, working at the Holiday Inn will provide that experience for me.</p>

<p>Yea. sounds good. I think Holiday Inn will definitely help you out.</p>

<p>One note to keep in mind: Try to make friends with the Admin group. If you can get your manager or someone to write you a killer Rec Letter, that would be SO awesome. A lot of colleges like outside rec letters (that aren't just random "She's a good kid" ones.. of course), esp one right in the field you're applying. At a seminar, a UPenn Admin Officer esp mentioned a guy from the Bay Area who he believed had excellent work experience due to a rec letter and let him in even though his test scores/grades were way below average. </p>

<p>But remember, don't load them with useless ones if you can't get a connection. It's better to not send one if it's gonna suck. :)</p>