Horrible freshman GPA

I’m an incoming sophomore at a state university and I want to go to physical therapy (dpt) school.

After some problems with newly diagnosdd bipolar disorder (medication, episode, treatment, etc) my freshman year GPA was a whopping and astounding:


Am I screwed

I need around a 3.2 GPA to even be considered for dpt school

We don’t know:

-You’ve only finished your first year of college; you still have three more years. Who knows what your GPA will be at the end?
-Who knows if you’ll go straight to a DPT program after college? You may plan to, but your plans could change in 2-3 years. Or you may be forced to take time off either way.
-You may write a compelling statement that explains that your lower GPA was due to a newly diagnosed medical problem, and once you got a handle on it you excelled. You may back that up with a high GPA for your last 90 credits or something. Some programs may overlook the earlier 2.5, and some programs may not.

Don’t worry about it overmuch right now. Just do the best that you can to pull your GPA up, and revisit this with a health professions advisor at your campus when you’re a junior.