Horse - April CC Book Club Selection

I quite enjoyed it, my husband less so. (That was true of North and South as well.)

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One of the reasons Iā€™ve not gone to the trouble to set up library online stuff is that often the waitlist is as long or longer for that as real book. (The other reason is I think it would involve replacing my ancient, hand-me-down Kindle that works OK if hubby does the Amazon ordering from his newer Kindle).

Always amazed at the reading depth and breadth of your reading selections-

Currently reading and listening to these-

ā€œForeign correspondenceā€ - Geraldine Brooks autobiography mentioned up thread

ā€œIā€™m glad my mom died ā€œ
Jennette McCurdy library audiobook
( I know, I know the title is off putting but reviews quite good )

Happy Spring all-
And, congrats to @ignatius on 4th grandchild !


I read ā€œIā€™m Glad My Mom Diedā€ and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sheā€™s got quite a tale to tell.


Next up: The Latecomer - June CC Book Club Selection


An article in National Geographic:

The Life of Lexington, Americaā€™s Greatest Racehorse

Every horse running in the 2023 Kentucky Derby descends from a mighty stallion named Lexington, the most renowned thoroughbred of the 19th century.


Very cool after reading ā€œHorseā€as the April cc book club, a historical novel featuring Lexington.

Sad to read this ā€“ made me think of our discussion.

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Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed this book and picked it (my turn to lead) for my upcoming Zoom book club. The book club founder was excited as itā€™s been on her reading list. Others were also on board. But they also did comment about being surprised that there is still horse racing these days, mentioned the recent news.

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