Hotchkiss vs Andover

I definitely identify with your youngest child, as I am also a perfectionist. Every learner is different, and the same concept applies to homework. Thank you for the advice, I am still struggling to find the school that is a better fit for me, but when I have to make the decision I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks!

If you want balance Andover would not be my first thought.

If you are playing three varsity sports you aren’t going into Boston on the weekends, you will have a game EVERY Saturday. Highschool seasons are brutally long, even the coaches think they’re absurd. Have you spoken to the coaches at both schools? It’s a bummer to have a crap coach and there’s less turnover with BS coaches.

Andover is a sink or swim environment. If you fall no one is sticking out a hand. It is fantastic for some. Not for others. I think it’s hard to know which you are at 14/15 despite all your teenage hormones which tell you you’re invincible.

School spirit at sporting events (ok girls sporting events) is :-1: compared to other schools.

I am not personally familiar with Hotchkiss but @cinnamon1212 is and I think she replied up thread.

People telling you “Andover duh” aren’t taking into account anything but name recognition which gets you nowhere in most parts of the country. And frankly even in MA. There are too many smart kids going to every other school.


Thanks for this advice. I have been told quite frequently that HADES schools in general are sink or swim. I tend to disregard the “_______, duh” comments because as you said they are based on name recognition and brand recognition. I have spoken to coaches and they all seem at agreeable (that may change when I’m actually on their team). I also agree with what you said at the bottom, once you are at the school, brand does not help you at all.

I’m class of 24, but if you pick andover we should still swap contact info! It will be nice to know somebody else who’s new before the year starts.

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It would! Extra congrats on getting in for sophomore year, that’s quite an accomplishment. I will let you know if I pick Andover in the coming days.

Anyone staying active on here, Exeter offered me admission off the waitlist and I am legitimately considering it.


WOW! congrats!!!

Pretty rare, so yeah I’m excited

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i personally would choose hotchkiss, because it’s slightly more balanced, and if you’re going to play 3 varsity sports i would pick hotchkiss too, but from what you’re saying i would consider exeter. to be completely honest, i wouldn’t choose andover because of the current covid situation there and the very high percentage of day students.

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OMG congrats! Was that today?

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Wow! That’s quite impressive. What are you thinking?

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I don’t know you and am just a parent here. From what I read here about your comments and profile, you’d fit greatly Exeter student body. I don’t think you would have any transition difficulties some students have. Good luck!

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i second chemsider
@usernameuser98, a lurking AO got enough info from this thread to get you off the Exeter WL ASAP. just kidding but who knows :slight_smile:
Go, Big Red!



Congratulations! This is rare. You should post this to the waitlist thread to bring kids there some hope.

I guess you are an international applicant, so maybe there’s movement for intl students. We will see how it plays out for domestic applicants.

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WOO congrats !


Oh my god!! Wow!! Congratulations! Does this mean there will be others also getting off? Did they call or email?

Well, this makes for a fun thread! Earlier, you said you were down on Exeter because of NH, and you felt the spirit there was a little deflated.

In any event, you’ve earned a choice! Well done, and good luck on choosing between 3 fabulous schools.

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Congratulations!!! Amazing. To give hope to the waitlisted (including myself), I quoted your news on “The Wait List” thread. The Wait List - #3235 by Dreamer2007

This seems to indicate at least some move on the list, although we do not know the extent.

As for your pick among the three, though my interest tells me to 'ignore Exeter and love the school that originally loved you" (I am waitlisted there and rejected by the other two), my conscience tells me “no brainer - go for Exeter.” In a hearbeat!

Exeter and Choate are simply beyond the rest, in my totally subjective prejudice. Bravo!

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Having said all this, I cannot believe how anti-AdamSmith and antediluvian what I’ve just said is. But then again, what the heck, I can’t lie. Non Sibi! Meet me next year in your school, my good friend. If you hear a new Korean weirdo has just entered, that’s probably me!

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