@CU123 my kid didn’t get her first choice. That was Snitch. She was content to get BJ though she would have preferred being on the quad. Now she would definitely NOT trade it in for a single in Snitch. That’s the benefit of the house system - they placed her in a great house. We are warning my son about the downside of housing at UChicago. He doesn’t want to get “stuck” in I-House either but he also realizes that this is a small potatoes worry compared to whether he’d even be accepted. However, he has time to prepare at least - quite unlike the student who had a number of top choices, chose UChicago over another elite school, then got placed into a dorm which wasn’t even on their list. That would burn, especially if, like @booklady123 is saying, snippy housing officials were assuring families that your top-3 choices were highly likely.
@booklady123 - I’d be shocked if the squeakers were dismissed. UChicago has been bending over backwards to make their students happy and keep retention high. Would love to be a fly on the wall - guessing there’s a lot of convo. with the resident heads of I-House right now to arrange more in-house dining and other activities. Admin might be banking on a huge influx of returning students to Woodlawn Commons in a couple of years. Maybe they can give the I-House and Stony kids first dibs, especially if their houses are moving over there.
Not sure anything went “wonky” so much as there appear to be two areas where admin. completely messed up: 1) markedly increasing enrollment before Woodlawn Commons has even broken ground; 2) mis-representing your chances of getting assigned one of your choices. When they made the latter set of near-assurances, they obviously couldn’t see the preferences, since those weren’t submitted till June. This year it’s quite possible that they not only increased the class size but changed the mix of student. What I’m reading on this forum and from those I know personally who are facing the same, it appears that a very large number applied only for the new dorms. But let’s assume that’s NOT the case - that there is a reasonable and even distribution of preferences, excluding the two dorms historically - and now completely inaccurately - known for being where you get stuck if you don’t submit your deposit “on time”. A major problem still exists. What UChicago is facing is not only a larger number of incoming 1st years (near 100% within their control) but also a higher retention of returning students in the dorms (not really within their control). The total number of available beds in North, South, Max, Snitch and BJ is around 2,800. if 25% graduate and 100% of the remaining actually return to dorms rather than move off-campus, that leaves a grand total of only 700 available beds for 1,850 or so first years! You can follow the queue algorithm perfectly and still end up with a whole bunch of disappointing outcomes for a number of kids. Once you start factoring in room-mate preferences and personality stuff, there can be some real wonky results simply due to lack of space.
In reality, there were probably something like 1200 or 1300 available beds, not 700. But you get the point. And where are the remaining 600+ going to end up? Well, about 70 in Stony and about 530+ in I-House. I-House actually has a LOT of room now that it’s 100% undergraduate. That happened in 2016 so it saw a large number of first years for Class of 2021 and, it’s sounding like, an even larger number for Class of 2022. As mentioned above, they will hopefully move those houses over to the new dorm. Hopefully it really is a “done-deal” and will more than make up for the inconvenience of I-House or Stony.
They can also give a discount to the I-Housers. I think we would have told our kid she had to go there if her room fee were discounted enough. After all, I-House was good enough for her mom once upon a time (though admittedly I bolted after one year for apartment living - and I was a grad student so slightly different animal). Guessing, though, that the main problem with I-House will remain it’s distance from a dining hall. In truth, it’s in a lot better shape than BJ or Snitch and not really any farther from the main quads than North or Max.
The single/double disparity doesn’t surprise. Had something on this but @DunBoyer explains it better in the previous post.