<p>An older friend of mine just got a house that is nameless :(
Does anyone have any witty names? These names are already taken on campus but I like them:
Tequila Mockingbird
Green with Envy
Everyone has seen these cute names that always have meaning to their location or something. The house is on Main street. Any ideas??</p>
<p>The Main Thing?
Main Place?</p>
<p>There used to be "Bored of Education" and the "Fox Den" on Tallawanda, if those are gone, they are kind of fun.</p>
<p>What color is the house? What style? Do the housemates have something in common?</p>
<p>I'm going to date myself now, but one house I knew full of people graduating in '84, "somehow" ( :) ) got ahold of a highway exit sign that said "Exit 84" and that is what they called their house.</p>
<p>On Spring street there used to also be a place called the "Stumble Inn." How about the "Ramble Inn"??? "Parent Trap"? "First Bank of Mom & Dad"
If you by chance had someone living there by the name Jack or Jackie, "Flap Jack's"
"International House of Play" (IHOP)</p>
<p>C'mon, you are college students, get creative - LOL!!! Although this is fun.</p>
<p>I spent all yesterday idly trying to come up with something that went with main. Main event. Mainsters. Main squeeze. Main Attraction. The M.A.I.N. (Miami Academic Insolence Network? Miami Attitude In Neighborhood?) The Castle Main.</p>
<p>bored of education and fox den still exist</p>