Housing Decsions

<p>Colorado College has not sent us any information about student housing. Is it too early still, or have we missed a mailing?</p>

<p>Anyone care to say what is the best dorm for freshman males?<br>
Does one stand out as being the nicest building, or more quiet than the rest?
My S would prefer a single if that is possible.</p>

<p>My S just finished his freshman year. He did not receive his housing info until the first week of August. He and his roommate had a small double in Loomis. He considered himself lucky because several rooms originally intended as doubles had three freshman. I would highly doubt your S will get a single as a freshman as my S had an “OK” lottery number and the best he could do was a small freshman double in Loomis with his roomate. I understand there is somewhat of a housing crunch.</p>

<p>Let’s see. I seem to recall the dorm info came well after 1/2 way through the summer in 07.</p>

<p>My S and roommate had a double in Loomis in 07-08 (his 1st year). It was an average sized room with high ceilings. It had a large set of windows. As with all dorms at CC, it needed (meaning you have to provide) fans for air circulation and lamps for more light. He seemed to enjoy it although he indicated that he didn’t attempt to study in his room. On the noise issue, the block system really helps because everyone has the one class and with VERY FEW exceptions they all start at the same time, so everyone gets up about the same time.</p>

<p>This year (08-09) he had a single in Mathias. Because of his AP credits, his housing lottery position was considered that of a rising junior which might explain him getting the single. It had a single small single window. But, I got him two tension rods and we fabricated a black-out curtain so he could have less light from the outside if he attempted to sleep in on Sat or Sun.</p>

<p>You can go to the Colorado College website and use the map of campus to see where these dorms are located on campus. I know that both Loomis and Mathias are currently listed on website as freshman-sophmore dorms. Loomis seems to me to be more in the thick of things and is nearer to the cafeteria.</p>

<p>I seem to recall that Mathias was built more recently and is layed out in 8 room pods that share a bathroom. At least that was the arrangement my S was in. He indicated that there was less hall noise with the pod arrangement, but he had moved his bed around to get it off the wall adjoining the more noisy of the two rooms that bracketed his room.</p>

<p>He has rented a 1 bedroom apartment in an 1890’s house right off campus next year since he qualifies as a senior and can live off campus. FYI --it is less expensive for his 12 month lease than the dorm charge for an on-campus single apartment. Much less expensive with not using the meal plans that resident students use. And, since he is literally no farther from campus than Mathias was, he saves the CC parking charge since he has parking at the apartment and intends to walk or ride his bke to class. But you cannot live off campus until you are classed as a senior.</p>

<p>I remember that my son received housing and roommate info quite a bit later than the kids of several of my friends, so I doubt you have missed anything.</p>

<p>There was no choice about the dorms. I found the room pretty utilitarian, but my son and his roomie were happy as heck with it. With the beds lofted, there was plenty of room. I bought a full size couch, a small carpet, coffee table, and TV stand and it all fit in fine. There is a chain of second-hand stores called the ARC which I highly recommend for furniture, and I got a new carpet remnant from a regular carpet store. I think all this booty cost about $150.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if there is a way to post photos here?</p>

<p>Be sure there are 2 fans for the room. We got some that fit right in the windows and worked well. Extra lights are actually not allowed (fire hazard??), but everyone gets them anyway. A pole lamp with several lights as 07DAD suggests plus some kind of small clip-on reading light if the bed is lofted.</p>

<p>The rooms all have a small fridge and microwave and 2 small closets. Skis and backpacks tend to get hung on the walls.</p>

<p>You can shop ahead of time at B, B & B and have your stuff waiting for you to pick-up in C Springs. We waited and shopped there and it was busy but not too bad. There are other big box stores nearby for all the little junk. You really do need a car as it is all spread out.</p>

<p>Good luck with quiet. There is a lot of partying in the dorms. No complaints from my kid!!</p>

<p>The strange thing is that both my son and his chosen roomie for next year both had LOW lottery numbers and ended up with singles! Which they didn’t want, and I’m not too happy about the extra expense.</p>


<p>As soon as you check into the dorm, ask for a bed lofting kit including siderail so you are sure to get one. You can always return it if you don’t want it. My son had to wait a few weeks for the siderail and was a bit uncomfortable as he moves around a lot when he sleeps. </p>

<p>Oh, you know those big bodypillows? The kids love them, including the boys.</p>



<p>I noticed somewhere that CC has an office/facility that lends (or rents) camping equipment. Right? I would think that would be a good alternative to bringing a tent and other bulky stuff.</p>

<p>I seem to recall that about the camping equipment at CC. I suggest you have your student check that out. </p>

<p>Also, there is an REI location in Colorado Springs. Several years ago, I joined REI (I don’t remember the process) and rented all our camping gear for a stay at the Rocky Mountain National Forest at one of their Denver stores. I seem to recall the rental was reasonable.</p>

Housing assignments will arrive in August, the housing preference form was due just the other day 6/29/09 (<a href=“https://prowl.coloradocollege.edu/course/view.php?id=749[/url]”>https://prowl.coloradocollege.edu/course/view.php?id=749&lt;/a&gt;). The website I just listed is CC Bound. Most information is not being mailed to students, but is instead on this website. Under Res Life there is a bunch of information on Housing, such as a welcome letter & FAQ. </p>

<p>Some Highlights:
“When you receive your room placement, you will also receive the name and phone number of your future roommate(s) if he/she gives permission for that information to be released. You may wish to contact him or her to talk about your living arrangement. We highly encourage you to contact each other and plan for your arrival on campus.”
“When may I ship my luggage or boxes to the college? Your boxes and luggage may be sent to arrive after August 1st, 2009.”</p>

<p>Also, about a point previously mentioned… on the FAQ there is a list of items that you are allowed to bring and not allowed to bring, while you cannot bring “halogen lamps, electric blankets, space heaters, heat lamps, etc.” you can bring “UL-approved Electronics such as computer, lamp, radio, alarm clock, answering machine, coffee maker with automatic shut-off, etc.”</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Thanks, CC’13. Yes, my S finally found his way to the Colorado College Bound site. He got in his housing preference form just in the nick of time. This was after overlooking an early-June notification in his email queue.</p>

<p>It sure was a lot of interesting stuff. Photos for the new student directory, detailed questionnaire about the orientation-week backpacking trip, course selections, etc. CC does seem very well organized about the “first year experience”. Whenever we’ve felt a need to contact people, the responses have been quick and helpful.</p>

<p>This quality of organization and helpfulness generally was apparent in the admission process. It was apparent in some but not all of the other small colleges we considered.</p>

<p>As a parent who went throught this at CC 2 summers ago, the CC provided information is very helpful, thorough and self-explanatory IF YOUR KID READS IT. </p>

<p>I decided to give my S the ring-binder from CC (yep it wasn’t on-line) and a written statement from me that I was not responsible for the deadlines and that all checks from me to CC required 24 hours advance notice.</p>

<p>He missed nothing “fatal” and it did seem to me that he took responsibility once it was crystal clear that if he didn’t do it, it wasn’t going to get done.</p>

<p>I got the extra lights issue sussed. What is not allowed is plastic lampshades.</p>