Housing for female engineering transfer student?

<p>Since that wonderful-sounding Hypatia community is not available for transfer students, does anyone have any advice on the closest dorm to the library (if even available, since transfer students go on a waiting list for any spots available after freshmen students are assigned)?</p>

<p>Or any other housing recommendations??</p>


<p>I was a transfer student 2 years ago and did not get offered on campus housing. I haven’t met any transfer students who have lived on campus in the past two years since there’s such limited space. If you rather play it safe, it’s better to look for apartments now instead of waiting to hear from housing. You could also call housing and see if they have any info on if they’ll offer dorms to transfers.</p>

<p>Depending on your price range, there are apartments located downtown or right off campus that are pretty close to the library/Torg. I’m not sure what their availability is like at this time of the year, though. Tech Terrace, There is also an apartment community, University Place, right by the Empo. Some people prefer the empo over the library for studying.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about proximity to the library. It’s pretty easy to get there via the bus system from just about any apartment complex, and none of them are within walking distance unless you’re crazy like me and walk from The Village.</p>

<p>Housing will be limited next year as the corp of cadets is getting one of their buildings replaced. I think some people didn’t even get offered a conditional contract off of the lottery system. Off-campus is probably your best bet.</p>

<p>What about after dark? My daughter studies late at the library most nights, and is leaving when they close. She rarely/never studies in a group and so is walking to her car alone. How far is the parking lot from the library? So would the emporium be a better bet–are there many people studying late there? Are there more people around at night? </p>

<p>Thanks so much for giving me the inside scoop on oncampus housing, etc!</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.parking.vt.edu/documents/parking_map.pdf[/url]”>http://www.parking.vt.edu/documents/parking_map.pdf&lt;/a&gt; That is a parking map. The emporium has its own parking lot. I have never really felt like I was going to get mugged or anything on campus, so distance really isn’t that big an issue for the parking lots. I think there are always people studying everywhere. Personally, I do everything in my room, so I don’t think I am the best person to answer where is the best place to study. I should also note that most of the residence halls are decently far from the library in walking like the parking lots.</p>

<p>Uncertain, I live off campus and stay at Squires or Torg a lot (both are right next to the library). I leave after midnight most nights, especially recently. Parking is free after 5 or 6PM most places (Alumni Mall, Bookstore Lot, Squires Lot) and after 8PM on the Drillfield. All of them are extremely close to the library, Torg, and Squires, so I wouldn’t worry. Campus is pretty well lit and calm at night. Also, if it helps - I’m a small Asian girl and never really feel threatened if I have to walk alone since my car is usually relatively close!</p>

<p>Empo is also good for people who like the environment. There are a lot of people who study there, even until late into the night. Some friends of mine pull allnighters there. The parking lot is right outside and is well lit as well.</p>

<p>On another note, the library is open 24 hours Monday-Thursday, and are also open late on Sunday. The empo is also open 24 hours most nights.</p>

<p>Wow, thanks for all the information. It is really helpful.</p>