Housing for next year, specifically Rose Towers and Burke

<p>I am currently a high school senior looking forward to go to Bama next year, my top choice by far. I qualify for the presidential scholarship and want to major in engineering; however, I do not think I am going to be looking to pay honors housing prices, so I am trying to find the best alternative. I have yet to visit because it is a 16 hour + drive, but I am hopefully going to be going to Capstone Scholars Day in January and possibly a little early to get a better sense of the campus. From what I gathered from the website on housing, I like the layout of the Rose Tower and Burke suite style dorms. I would like to know if either one would be better for an engineering student. I was also planning on putting my deposit down within the next week and was wondering about how fast they usually book up on those. Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>i am a high school senior as well traveling 17 hours! ill be going to CSD but i have already visited, you will love it. I am rooming in burke, which is mostly two person dorms with common bathroom in the hall making it coed by floor however there are a few suites available. It is also open during holiday breaks which is why i chose it since i wont be able to fly home. i dont think burke is near the engineering building. Ridgecrest and Riverside are near the engineering from what i understand and they are all suite style if that is what youre looking for, but they might be just as expensive as honors.
this website has all the floor plans and locations that helped me narrow down my options: [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/halls/hall_list.cfm]Student”>http://housing.ua.edu/halls/hall_list.cfm)
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>thanks, that’s the part of the site I have been using. Ridgecrest and Riverside are at least 4k per semester, so I don’t really think that’s gonna happen. I’m curious to know how fast the sweets with two person bedrooms fill up in Burke and Rose.</p>

<p>I’m not sure, but I don’t think Rose Tower will be available next year. I think it’s scheduled for demolishing since its replacement is opening this fall…AND the site of Rose is needed for the second building.</p>

<p>Either way, I wouldn’t recommend Rose…it’s old and since it’s up for demolition, few improvements have been done in recent years. </p>

<p>Burke is probably your better option if you want to avoid the cost of the Super Suites.</p>

<p>Are you applying to CBHP? If so and you’re selected, you might be given additional scholarship money.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that you don’t need to pick housing now. Right now you’re just reserving your “pick time.” You will be doing the actually picking around April…so you don’t have to know now.</p>

<p>yeah, im doing honors and i cant afford ridgecrest or riverside either. The sooner you send in your housing money the earlier you get to pick your room but that doesnt happen until april like m2ck said. So far i havent really heard many people talking about burke so im hoping it doesnt fill up to fast since i dont think im sending my payment in until january or february.</p>

<p>* i dont think im sending my payment in until january or february. *</p>

<p>Check the dates for depositing at this time. </p>

<p>Does anyone have the depositing schedule?</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help, I’ll try to check them out the most I can when I visit. I didn’t know if I had to put a preference of building on the app when I make the deposit, so thanks for bringing it to my attention that I don’t have to decide til April or so. I am applying for CBHP and UFE, but I’m doubtful on my chances because I lack crazy EC that most people seem to have.</p>

<p>Hopefully, SEA_Tide or Atlanta will post. I think they know whether Rose will be demolished after Spring semester. I’m thinking that it will be demolished this summer since one of next new dorms is going to be built on its site. </p>

<p>Since it sounds like some of the Rose suites are in sorry need of refurbishment, and it doesn’t sound like they will be improved since the hall is on the list to be demolished, even if it’s available for use next fall, it would be a gamble to pick Rose because you might get a suite that needs improvements.</p>

<p>I know that Burke is a nice dorm that doesn’t have the honors price tag. Hopefully others will know which other dorms are just as nice and available to males. Burke also has the benefit of having a good dining hall on premise.</p>

<p>Rose Towers was actually scheduled to be demolished last summer, but UA needed the housing until North Bluff, the new residence hall, is completed, which will be this August. I highly doubt that UA will keep it for another year.</p>

<p>For male engineering students who can’t or don’t want to pay extra for honors housing or Bryant Hall, Burke is likely the best option. Even then, I would highly suggest trying to find the money to be able to afford the extra cost of living in Honors Housing. Doing simple things like avoiding the vending machines (each building has multiple water fountains) and not using ones dining dollars ($600 refund at the end of the year) can help cut down the extra cost of living in honors housing. </p>

<p>Note too that the list of residence halls open during breaks changes each year and that those needing to stay on campus over breaks are able to switch to a different residence hall during those breaks if their assigned residence hall will be closed for the break.</p>

<p>Just a random FYI, you don’t have to be in Blount Initiative to live in Blount dorm – I have a few friends who live there and aren’t in the program (although maybe this depends on the year?). It is still pretty expensive, but it’s less expensive than the super suites. The Blount rooms consist of two double rooms and a private bathroom that four students would share, and the dorm looks really new and nice. Just a thought if anyone needs something a bit cheaper than super suites, but doesn’t want to live in some of the older dorms!</p>

<p>Palmer Hall is the cheapest dorm on campus. However, to live there you must join the Mallet Assembly. It’s worth looking at, and you can move in at any point in the semester if you do join.</p>

<p>Hi there!
I work for the Office of Housing at UA, and it’s been a few weeks since I’ve checked CC, but I’m here to help with any of these questions if you need it. I’d like to clarify some things on this thread, if I may.</p>

<li>Palmer Hall is one of the least expensive living options, however, several other buildings have the same rate as well.</li>
<li>Rose Towers is not available next year, but we will have another suite-style building coming available for August 2012. The population of that building has not been determined yet, but it will have a mix of upperclassmen and freshmen.</li>
<li>Honors Housing is a Living-Learning Community that is growing in popularity! However, our rates are determined by the occupancy of the building (single, double, etc.), so Honors students do not pay a different rate for a 4-person suite than non-Honors. You can find our rates at housing.ua.edu → Assignments → Rates. Lakeside, Riverside, and Ridgecrest buildings all have the same rates.</li>
<li>Ridgecrest and Burke are close to the same distance away from Engineering buildings, with Burke being a little bit further.</li>
<li>When you go through room selection, you will only see options that you are eligible for. For instance, a Business student will not see the Engineering halls. So a new student will not see Blount as an option unless they have been accepted into Blount. The students that live there now were probably Blount participants earlier in the year or last year when they completed room selection.</li>

<p>If you have any questions about the info I’ve provided, please let me know or shoot me a message.</p>

<p>Thanks! Happy Housing!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>As an incoming freshman, is it hard to score a suite in Burke? I have the first room selection session, so I don’t know if that makes a difference. I have a roomate and we really want to get a suite in Burke, but I don’t know if we will be able to since the upperclassmen already picked their dorms.</p>

<p>Since you have first selection time, you should be able to get a suite in Burke. I don’t think all suites were made available to the upper classmen during their selection times…I think some were held back for frosh.</p>

<p>By living at Burke it will be really convenient to enjoy their yummy breakfast on those cold winter mornings before heading out for classes…D and her friends enjoy meeting at Burke during the winter for a nice warm plate of grits and eggs between classes…especially the friend who had never eaten grits before.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the responses. I am also interested in the burke suites, but have been very skeptical about getting one since I have the last time slot on the second day. Would I have any chance of finding a spot in one that late without having to find someone with an earlier time slot to pull me in?</p>