Housing help!!

<p>I am transferring to UM. I'm not sure what building I should pick for my dorm room. I am a Computer Engineer major. I'm into computers, working out in the fitness center, and I want to meet alot of people. </p>

<p>I have alot of "toys" that I am going to bring that I would like to share with my roomate and others. Such as a projector and surround sound. So I don't want to live in a single because it doesn't seem as much fun.</p>

<p>I don't like the idea of the hallway bathrooms, but I could live with it if it has its advantages. I'm trying to get the biggest dorm room I can get also, so I have some room for my computers and toys and such.</p>

<p>Can you guys help me and make suggestions on what housing I should try and get? Thanks alot.</p>

<p>Oh, and I like the fact that pearson and mahoney seem to have a parking garage for the residents. I will be bringing a vehicle and would be pleased to know it is under roof, protected.</p>

<p>Well......Standford/Hecht towers are closest to the Wellness Center. Shared hall baths though. Smallest rooms.</p>

<p>Eaton supposedly has the biggest rooms, although son tells me he sees no difference in Eaton and Mahoney/Pierson. He's lived in Eaton and Mahoney. All of these are suites (2 per room/ 2 rooms sharing a bath).</p>

<p>Honestly, your going to want to "talk" to your roommate prior to bringing a lot of stuff. Neither the towers or the suites have much storage or floor space. Lofting beds helps, but not enough to brings "tons" of stuff.</p>

<p>Also, be aware, that depending on circumstances this year, (this has happened the last 2 years)....some transfer students have gotten housed at the Holiday Inn accross the street on Hwy1 and at the Mariott Dadeland until available on-campus housing became available. And while that means maid-service and a private bath, it also means you could be sharing a very small "room" for a while.... Best of luck!</p>

<p>Ok. I am correct that Mahoney/Pearson has a parking garage? And I assume that means your car is protected from rain, ect... What does it take to get a parking permit for the garage?</p>

<p>From my research and your response. I think my housing order will go like this:
1. Mahoney
2. Pearson
3. Eaton
4. Hecht
5. Stanford</p>

<p>From miami's website, it looks like Mahoney has more amenities than Pearson. Thats why I chose that one first. What do you think?</p>

<p>Yes...M/P has a parking garage. I highly recommend garage parking if possible...especially during hurricane season!! You will need to get a resident parking permit. You can purchase these through MyUM or at the transportation office (Ponce Garage). With that permit you will be allowed parking in certain designated lots on campus, including the residential garages. If you get Hecht/Stanford towers, Ponce garage will be the closest. </p>

<p>Mahoney/Pearson are basically the same. Of course...I'm partial to Mahoney, but only because I know some of its residents better. :) Don't be discouraged if you don't get your first pick, because some of sons best friends were met during freshman year in the towers. Have a great time!</p>

<p>I see that there are apartments on campus as well. What is the advantage and disadvatage with living in the apartments? They seem to be really big and nice.</p>

<p>I've never been inside one of the apartments on campus. (The ones that any map would show you.) And University Village (new) will just be opening this fall, so I can't give you any concrete info, good or bad, about either. However, and I don't mean this the way it probably sounds, chances of a transfer student getting into the apartments is probably nill. Son tried to get into apartments when he signed up for junior year housing and no availability. This year he was able to get what UM called priority #1 housing availability due to his credit hours (actual junior year...but senior status with his credits). He and friends were getting first priority for new Village and he said they (the new apartments) were going fast. You see...off campus living arrangements are....well...to be honest...very expensive....so living on campus is a lot more economical for those on a budget. Consequently, when they decided not to move into the Village, their aparment was swept up very fast. Now, I could be mistaken, but from hearing him talk....all the apartments are already gone, because they couldn't even get into the older "apartments" when they decided not to go into the Village. If you want to try to put the apartments as your #1 priority on your residential application...go for it...but don't be disappointed if you don't get them. And what a great surprise if you do!!!</p>

<p>If you go to the University apt. info and application area, there is a table that lists how they decide on priority to get them. it goes something like:
1. Grad Students
2. Students who are going to be juniors and have lived on campus for two years.
and so on.</p>

<p>Check it out</p>

<p>Just a quick note.....There is an article in today's Hurricane (The student run newspaper) about the housing crunch. It seems that some of the older apartments which were damaged in the hurricanes will not be refurbished.....so even with the new Village opening.....housing is going to be short again. According to the article, Mahoney/Pearson/Eaton are all full already. Just a little heads up to get your housing in ASAP, for best availability.</p>

<p>One last question. I already paid the deposit for the housing and sent in the form online. I did that close to a week ago. All I need to do now is send in my immunization forms and those things. Are those required before they put you on the waiting list for the housing? I mean, if I don't get that filled out for another couple weeks, will that delay me getting a dorm or increase the chance I will NOT get a dorm?</p>

<p>Once you pay the housing deposit, you are on the list. The other stuff doesn't need to be in for awhile. You should be all set.</p>